New Neutral Minion - Pozzik, Audio Engineer
Submitted 1 year, 10 months ago by
A new Legendary Neutral Minion, Pozzik, Audio Engineer, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Neutral Minion, Pozzik, Audio Engineer, has been revealed!
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How does this work?
Is it like a mind control effect where you 'steal' the 3/3s to your board from your opponents board and/or hand?
Or is it summon fresh 3/3 copies?
The way I read it, I have to assume you take them from their hand (if they're still there) and summon them on your side. If they make it to the enemy board, they are not yours to take anymore. Could be overthinking it, though: Pozzik could just give you your own 3/3s and let your opponent have two 3/3s for later use.
We won't know until they tell us or someone figures it out :/
Makes sense that it could also work that way.
The alternative where it just creates a separate set of 3/3s is the most boring though (hope it's not that one).
druid location support?
A lol card that is very scary when it works.
Amazingly, it might just be played in every deck, because it disrupts hand, turns and brings out tempo should your opponent decide against playing those 3/3 bots from hand.
I can see no downsides from this card. Even when you're behind this card is doing something, even if its to force your opponent to spend mana getting rid of the bots in hand.
This feels kinda busted. Like Drek'thar with no deckbuilding restriction.
Think about it. You play it on turn 4. It'S a 5/4. If your opponent doesn't kill it you can just go face or trade and get something back. If they do kill it you immediately get stats. If they try to counter it by playing the bots you just fucked up their curve in a pretty bad way.
The only scenario where this is bad is when your opponent had nothing better to do than playing the bots anyways, but how often does that happen?
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
The tokens cost 3, so if you play this on curve, the most your opponent can play next turn is one, then hopefully you can trade and get a mutual kill and get the second token and come out ahead in stats. So this is possibly good.
This seems pretty good. Worst case scenario you force your opponent to play some plain 3 mana 3/3 mechs, which is actually not that bad. On curve this could guarantee you get 1 mech on the deathrattle, and forcing your opponent to play one, is yet again a good thing. if you force your opponent to play one of the mechs, then that's -1 turn for your opponent to do whatever gameplan they actually want to do. Additionally, this card can also be used to mill your opponent, which is a interesting thing to remember.
I think this card will see play in aggro/midrange decks.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Not entirely sold on him, a rather generic aggro body. Honestly that makes him the first thing to cut later on in the year.
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
"I'm down here, fixin' all the Gnomish tech that breaks down mid-set while that buffoon Fizzle is up there taking pictures of the sky. YOU tell ME who's the better engineer!"
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