New Shaman Weapon - Jazz Bass
Submitted 1 year, 10 months ago by
A new Rare Shaman Weapon, Jazz Bass, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Shaman Weapon, Jazz Bass, has been revealed!
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Seems like the payoff card for a non-quest overload shaman.
Needs a really good big spell to be worth it.
Could be a decent card, but it honestly feels a bit too slow. The nature of overload means that you get a benefit early for a downside later, meaning that the mana cheat isn't as much mana cheat as it is just offestting the downside of Overload, but that by itself isn't really unfair enough in my opinion
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
All right, Turn 9 From De Other Side!
This is another reason to suspect Shaman will be overloading a lot. I would guess that a discount of 3 or 4 will most optimal, either playing mid-cost spells for free or expensive spells for cheap.
Just like Inzah (the legendary of the set) I'm gonna have to say this lives and dies off of the Core Set, hard to see what it's discounting by/for when the last year has been an Overload drought.
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
It kinda reminds me of Snowfury Giant, in that the whole point is building up to one final act.
Overload is a poor keyword. But if it charges this hard enough, you might just be able to play Criminal Lineup for free on a spell damage minion and just go completely ham.
Ive no doubt this card is powerful. But can playing all those bs cards really be offset by its power? That, Im not so sure.
Mana cheat. Insta 5-star card. Shaman will use this a bunch.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
I'm just glad shaman gets to play jazz with the cool cats. This card is also bound to see replays, accompanied by saxophone; can you hear the song already?
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