New Neutral Minion - Soul Seeker
Submitted 2 years, 4 months ago by
A new Common Neutral Minion, Soul Seeker, has been revealed!
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A new Common Neutral Minion, Soul Seeker, has been revealed!
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Broken as hell, especially if aggro is no longer popular.
The fact is that youre denying your opponent value, win cons, etc. and completely mucking up one of their future draws. And sometimes this thing brings up one beefy minion out whilst accomplishing all the above.
If ever there's a fuck you button, this card would be it. Yes, there's a chance that it blows, particularly if it draws its counterpart in your opponent's deck, but that's a small fk up versus a massive reward.
Maybe you are right, maybe not. How many times you saw rogue playing Parrrley? Almost identical effect just for 1 mana. This one costs 5 mana and steals minions only and on a top of that can be re-used by opponent. I think this card is bad and unplayable besides meme decks.
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Parrrley grabs anything and therefore is too inconsistent, and existing in a class that dont need it. This card will only fetch minions and if it brings up something like Sire Denathrius or Hydralodon, the game might just be over.
Even if it doesn't grab a win con. Anything that's larger than a 3/3 is still a good trade in your favor. And while some decks do run 1-2 drops, some others like relic dhunter runs only big minions. If mutanus can see play at 7 mana I dont see why this card wont.
WOAH a 5 mana 10/10 with lifesteal?!? (Sire Denathrius) That's insane!
Okay honestly, this seems like a good disruption option for control decks, because those are the only decks that would consider running a card like this. It's like a Theotar, but actuallly random and gives your oppnent a bad draw. I think this card might a underestimated a bit. Also in terms of the Sire Denathrius highroll, it's alsmost never going to happen. Why? Everyone knows Sire Denathrius is in your opponents hand, ready to get stolen by your theotar.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Well not necessarily. If you run this in a control deck, your opponent can also play this when drawn and potentially stealing one of your high value cards. This might lead to some Soul Seeker ping pong on control vs control matchups.
Parrrley gives you any card type.
Nowadays, the win conditions use to be minions, so that can snipe some wincon and get a freewin.
But, yes, that card is bad and situational.
By The Holy Light!
This looks too gimmicky to be a real thing. It hardcounters a few decks, but most of the time you're basically paying 5-mana to get one of your opponent's 4-drops or something.
Hell, even against decks that run a dedicated Big package like hunter it probably only pulls something valuable about 50% of the time while the other time you just waste your mana.
Also they have a chance to do the same to you so unless your deck only runs trash minions this miight just backfire in the long run.
NEat big Priest tech though I suppose
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.