Hearthstone Expansions

Learn more about all of Hearthstone's Expansions and Adventures!

Standard Expansions

These expansions are a part of the Standard Format. They are used in both modes of Constructed play.

Birthday Event Whizbang's Workshop Showdown in the Badlands TITANS Festival of Legends

Wild Expansions

Some expansions aren't in the normal version of Constructed play.

Year of the Pegasus Core Set Classic Voyage to the Sunken City Curse of Naxxramas Demon Hunter Initiate Core 2021 Path of Arthas Caverns of Time United in Stormwind Galakrond's Awakening Murder at Castle Nathria Forged in the Barrens Fractured in Alterac Valley March of the Lich King Goblins vs Gnomes Blackrock Mountain The Grand Tournament League of Explorers Whispers of the Old Gods One Night in Karazhan Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Journey to Un'Goro Knights of the Frozen Throne Kobolds and Catacombs The Witchwood The Boomsday Project Rastakhan's Rumble Rise of Shadows Saviors of Uldum Descent of Dragons Ashes of Outland Scholomance Academy Madness at the Darkmoon Faire Basic Legacy Hall of Fame
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