Meta Prediction, best classes and cards.

Submitted 3 years, 5 months ago by

I know Arena at the moment its not the main subject of discussion, and its far from the glorious days as a game mode, but I am one of the few ones who still enjoy it a lot, and still play it for at least 4-5 days per week. I was refreshing this forum a lot this  to find some thoughts on the upcoming meta, and upcoming rotation, or cards, and nothing, I know that we have the Arena impact, but even that one if not full. I know I am not boozor, sinti or some other of you favorite Arena contend creator, but I still decided to write a post about this to share my opinions, and to ask what to you guys think about the upcoming set to Arena, it will be impactful enough? it will change the meta? is corrupt cards good for Arena? Below I had few videos in which I show my thoughts for the upcoming expansion.

Playlist, with meta analysis, card review, and best classes.

  • Reap3rHS's Avatar
    235 13 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    I know Arena at the moment its not the main subject of discussion, and its far from the glorious days as a game mode, but I am one of the few ones who still enjoy it a lot, and still play it for at least 4-5 days per week. I was refreshing this forum a lot this  to find some thoughts on the upcoming meta, and upcoming rotation, or cards, and nothing, I know that we have the Arena impact, but even that one if not full. I know I am not boozor, sinti or some other of you favorite Arena contend creator, but I still decided to write a post about this to share my opinions, and to ask what to you guys think about the upcoming set to Arena, it will be impactful enough? it will change the meta? is corrupt cards good for Arena? Below I had few videos in which I show my thoughts for the upcoming expansion.

    Playlist, with meta analysis, card review, and best classes.

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