We're onto the Neutrals now, and as usual I'm cutting it a little close to release time. Fingers crossed I get them out on time!

The reason I need them out on time is of course because you'll need our genius reviews to be able to determine which cards you should be crafting and which ones aren't worth the dust. I've definitely never advocated for crafting a Legendary that was purely for memes, that would be silly.

Costumed Entertainer Card Image

4 years studying Nerglish and this is the best job she could get.

Quote From ShadowsOfSense

And we're starting with a resounding 'meh'. Getting +2/+2 sounds like a really good buff, and it is - when you can give it to something you choose, preferably on the board. That's why a card like Fungalmancer was pretty decent, because the buff could get used right away.

As big a fan of handbuff as an idea as I am, this just isn't going to be something you see in constructed. Aggressive decks have better buff options that don't take extra turns to come out or have as weak bodies as this does.

Parade Leader Card Image

"March forward!"

Quote From Noxious

Great card. Will work quite, quite well with Rush Warrior decks. Bonus points for the effecting triggering on summon, not just play. Low cost, good stats considering the effect it harbors, and overall a good boost for cheap-minion Rush decks. I could see it being an auto-include in every Rush deck worth its salt.

Prize Vendor Card Image

"Ah, that's the ticket!"

Quote From ShadowsOfSense

I suppose symmetrical effects would be the perfect time to do a riff on Coldlight Oracle. This "see guys we're giving White card draw" kind of effect is just not good, however - if at all possible you never want to give your opponent resources, as has been seen countless times before with things like Dancing Swords or [Hearthstone Card (Mana Golem) Not Found]. The good versions of these 'helpful' cards - like Dirty Rat - are secretly tech cards for sniping combo pieces, which a simple draw effect is not.

I don't think even Murloc decks run this, since they have better sources of draw that don't let the opponent also fish for an answer to your swarm.

Rock Rager Card Image

You wouldn't know his favourite band, they're too underground.

Quote From ShadowsOfSense

Ah, Ragers. I do love to see new ones now and then. You might think this is powercreeping the already incredible Magma Rager, but in fact the Taunt is a major downside - now you can't hide it behind other Taunts for protection!

Seriously though, it's a bad card. I kind of want to get a meme win with it and the various Taunt buffers in Warrior, but it's still a bad card.

Showstopper Card Image

The final act really brings the house down.

Quote From Avalon

Plague of Death without the Twisting Nether effect. Showstopper's effect can be useful from time to time, but it is definitely not worth to be included in any deck, even just as a 1-of.

It is a pretty amusing Faceless Lackey roll, that could either screw you or your opponent pretty badly. But I don't see anything valuable other than this.

Wriggling Horror Card Image

Best Quality: His wriggles.

Quote From Avalon

Half Fungalmancer for less than half the cost. It is difficult to have two minions in play at the beginning of turn 2, but I think Face Hunter with Wolpertinger or other Aggro decks on coin will be more than happy to tinker with this new unit.

I'm not claiming this card is a sleeper, but just that it may be more than a boring pack filler.

Banana Vendor Card Image
Bananas Card Image

He takes herbal medicine very seriously.

Quote From ShadowsOfSense

The second of our symmetrical Vendors, offering a slightly better deal than the Prize Vendor. Two Bananas doesn't sound like much, but it's a known quantity, meaning you can build your deck to take advantage of them and your opponent probably hasn't.

For example, it wouldn't be completely out there to think about running this in a Priest or Mage deck that wants to play a lot of spells - it even offers itself up as a target for them should you need it. Your opponent will always be able to buff their own minions with them, but maybe you can just keep their board clear enough that they can't take advantage of that.

I also feel like I need to give a mention to Mill decks in Wild, since I didn't for Prize Vendor. Yeah, alright, this fills their hand more so you can burn some of their cards with a Coldlight Oracle or something. I don't think it'll be destroying the ladder anytime soon there.

Darkmoon Dirigible Card Image
Darkmoon Dirigible Card Image

Floating is easy - you just have to fall really, really slowly!

Quote From Echo

I'm a pretty big fan of Darkmoon Dirigible since it is an incredibly flexible card that can fit several different archetypes. Corrupt as a whole lends itself to be put in more midrange and control decks, in which this thing is either a solid 3 drop or a 3 mana deal 3 summon a 3/2, both of which are fairly decent options. Something else that shouldn't be slept on is the mech tag. While I'm still uncertain whether the new Menagerie Warrior has any legs to stand on, Ringmaster's Baton into Darkmoon Dirigible is a great curve. This card also seems like a great card for Arena given how good Evasive Wyrm is.

Darkmoon Statue Card Image
Darkmoon Statue Card Image

"What statue? I didn't put that there, must've been a fan. How very kind!"

Quote From Avalon

A strictly better Raid Leader, which doesn't say much since, in the last three years, the card saw play only in Odd Paladin, but it's still something. If corrupted, Darkmoon Statue will become a 3 mana 4/5 with a positive aura effect across your entire side of the board. Pretty interesting, especially if you have a lot of harmless units laying around, like in Totem Shaman.

If an aggressive swarm deck will rise in popularity in the early Darkmoon Faire meta, it is fair to assume that Darkmoon Statue will see some experimentation. Overall, not a broken card: just a solid, reliable and in the right circumstances useful unit.

Gyreworm Card Image

Some say its promises are hollow, but I think they ring true.

Quote From Noxious

Love it. Elementals seem to be getting some help after a little break, and this card is, I think, quite good for 3 mana. Its stats aren't magnificent, however dealing 3 damage, and not just to minions, is a big bonus that makes it useful even in the late game. I think this card is very solid and can certainly work. There are currently 49 Elementals in Standard. Getting the effect to trigger should not be a headache.