Classic Hardcore made its debut on August 24 and since then, quite a few characters have died! As of yesterday, 2,961,039 characters have succumbed to Hardcore WoW. Now the real question is, which foes are the most difficult?

As it turns out, the top 10 deadliest "things" in Azeroth focus primarily on the lower levels of the game. We're not entirely surprised by this considering this is where you're going to see the most inexperienced players, folks getting cocky and pulling more than they can handle, and just some plain unfortunate RNG when it comes to spawns and drops. So, what are the most deadly things?

#10 - Kobold Tunneler (28,437)

From Elwynn Forest comes the gracious Kobold Tunneler. 28,437 players died to these vermin - they weren't kidding when they yelled "you no take candle".

#9 - Porcine Entourage (29,039)

If you've ever leveled on Alliance side in Classic, you'll have come across the pumpkin patch in Elwynn Forest containing a wandering boar named Princess. She is flanked by two delicious looking pigs - the Porcine Entourage. These creatures have killed a total of 29,039 players and counting.

#8 - Drowning (33,277)

The first "thing" on this list. Swimming in Classic Azeroth is not for the faint of heart. It is so easy to get involved in an underwater fight and start ignoring that breath meter when you realize you have exactly 5 seconds left to resurface. Not that I'm speaking from experience or anything. 33,277 characters failed their swimming lessons and drowned in Azeroth's beautiful water. You should always roll undead!

#7 - Player vs Player (34,894)

Good ol' fashioned PvP! In Classic Hardcore, there is no concept of a PvP server. Instead, all players are neutral to each other unless you manually flag yourself for PvP or challenge someone to Mak'gora - a duel to the death. This prevents griefing but if you're looking for that added challenge, enable PvP for yourself and maybe you too can join the 34,894 characters that just weren't geared enough.

#6 - Defias Pillager (35,070)

You managed to survive the Kobold Tunnelers, Princess' Porcine Entourage, and maybe even Hogger. Moving west from Elwynn Forest you're now faced with the entrance to the Deadmines, where the Defias Pillagers hang out. 35,070 characters met their fate around Moonbrook, and we're willing to bet most of these deaths are thanks to quick respawn times.

#5 - Wendigo (35,091)

Moving North in the Eastern Kingdoms we come to the starting area for Dwarves and Gnomes. The Wendigo yetis live inside a cave in Dun Murogh and as everyone knows, caves are some of the most dangerous places in the game. Rest in pieces in the 35,091 players who were mauled by the fuzzy yetis.

#4 - Defias Trapper (40,715)

As if the caster enemies in Moonbrook weren't deadly enough, Northern Westfall is home to some very annoying Rogues. 40,715 players never got to make it to the Defias Pillagers.

#3 - Voidwalker Minion (44,891)

We're finally in Kalimdor! After you've made your way through the Valley of Trials and had an opportunity to do some quests at Razor Hill, you have been tasked with visiting Skull Rock, a cave to the East of the Horde capital of Orgrimmar. Skull Rock is one of the worst caves to fight in with fast respawning mobs and those pesky Voidwalker pets that don't despawn when you kill their Apprentice. Fighting a caster monster with a tank pet means you'll be eating after every fight and watching them respawn while you're getting your food on.

If you're going to visit Skull Rock, take a party of 5 otherwise you'll be added to the 44,891 deaths.

#2 - Kobold Miner (67,717)

The last monster on this list is the Kobold Miner, which brings us back to Elwynn Forest. Why is Elwynn so much more deadly than all the other zones?

You took the candle, you became one of the 67,717 people that met their demise in a cave fighting vermin. Shame on you!

#1 - Falling (74,273)

The most dangerous "thing" in Azeroth is... yourself. 74,273 characters made a critical error in judgement and fell into their own grave. We've all done it. We've all made that walk of shame back to our corpse when we autoran off Thunderbluff, took a slide down that mountain, or made it late to Undercity's elevators.

Blizzard put out a video with the numbers that we used in this post.