For the swarm! Blizzard has banned Nexus-Prince Shaffar from play due to "interaction[s] with the new Mini-Set cards". Luckily, this does appear to be a short-lived disruption to his rule over the battlefield as the team has stated he will return after they make balance changes. Could the changes be for him or are Mini-Set cards already on the chopping block?
Honestly though, how could anyone have predicted that it would be a bad idea for Zergling to exist at 1-mana? Certainly we could not have predicted this kinda of issue because Shaffar Rogue's wonderful Bargain Bin Buccaneer definitely does not exist. Okay, jokes aside, it's good to see that Blizzard has been quick to react on this. Check out their statement below.
Quote From Vyraneer
- [Added 1/21] [Hearthstone] Nexus-Prince Shaffar is being temporarily banned due to his interaction with new Mini-Set cards. The intention is that he be returned to the eligible card pool after our next balance hotfix.
Dev Comment: Nexus-Prince Shaffar is poised to run away with the meta, crowding out any decks that aren’t trying to counter massive Zerglings in the early game. We want to act quickly here to make sure players have room to explore different strategies with the Heroes of StarCraft release.
How have you been enjoying yesterday's Mini-Set release? Are there any cards that jump out to you as being immediately problematic? Let us know in the comments below who you'd target in the next set of game balance.
We were slightly late to the party reporting on this.
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