The newest Master Duel Structure Deck goes by the name of "Immortal Glory" and is all about Zombie monsters. In particular the kind that loves to Synchro Summon, as well as lots of GY revival. Like some of the past Structure Decks, this prebuilt Deck features exclusive cards, so it's worth a buy even if you already opened packs for Zombie archetypes before. In case you're on the fence, we take a look at some of the highlights, and what improvements you can make!

Immortal Glory Overview + Decklist

Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon Lord Card Image Mezuki Card Image Zombie World Card Image

Every purchase of the Structure Deck comes with the same 40 Main Deck cards and 5 Extra Deck monsters. To own 3 copies of every cards, you'll have to buy the 500 Gem Structure Deck three times, resulting in 1,500 Gems total cost. Since the list contains 4 Ultra Rares and 11 Super Rares, that's a far better deal than you'd get from buying packs. Just keep in mind that cards obtained from Structure Decks Cannot be Dismantled. (You also get to keep the Card Case Accessory the Deck comes in as a bonus)

Thematically, this deck builds on the first ever Zombie Structure deck from the Yu-Gi-Oh TCG, back when Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon was the cover card. The relation to the Red-Eyes archetype is only by name, as the zombified version gave up on being a Dragon, despite its title. There's also more modern Zombie World Support, represented by Glow-Up Bloom and Necroworld Banshee.

Upgrades for the Undead

Shiranui Solitaire Card Image Doomking Balerdroch Card Image Vampire Sucker Card Image

The above list is a good starting point, but there's a lot of filler cards not worth keeping. In case you want to really lean into the Synchro Summon aspect of the Deck, Shiranui Solitaire is another way of finding your best Tuner, Uni-Zombie. We already mentioned the Zombie World support cards, which only get better when you run a Doomking Balerdroch. Its ability to constantly self-revive and disrupt the opponent is vital.

To further improve your general Zombie monster lineup, the Immortal Royalty Secret Pack contains the Eldlich and Vampire archetypes. Unfortunately, they don't work well as Synchro Material, so there's only partial synergy. At least the versatile Vampire Sucker is a good fit in just about any Zombie Deck.

What's your take on the new Structure Deck? Worth a buy, or not interested? Share your opinion in the comments below!