For the Swarm! The second day of card reveals for the Heroes of StarCraft mini-set are here! We'll be keeping track of all the new cards in this dedicated article for today's reveals, of which there are 5. Read on to see the new cards or if you want to see what the entire set and main set look like together, they will be be visible on our expansion page for The Great Dark Beyond.
Heroes of StarCraft Card Reveals for January 16, 2025
Here are all the cards that have been revealed for The Great Dark Beyond's Mini-Set, Heroes of StarCraft on January 16, 2025.
What are your thoughts on today's cards? Let us know down below or head on over to the Hearthstone Realm to share your thoughts in each of our dedicated card reveal threads.
Started playing Starcraft 2 again over the weekend and fun fact, Baneling Barrage is one of Zagara's abilities in Co-op mode
I dislike the design of Mutalisk. It only works if you have Creep Tumor activated, but it's impossible it survives otherwise. 3/6, 4/5 or 4/4 would've been better statlines, IMO.
I think it makes sense thematically as Mutalisks in SC2 would deal big damage but effectively glass cannons as they were very squishy. 2 Thor units would wipe out my horde of Mutalisks immediately
I see what you mean but it's such a strong effect I see why they gave it bad stats. Demon Hunter also has more than just creep Tumor to give it rush so it's not just dead without Tumor.
I also like Lurker a lot. While it has Zerg synergies it's the card that works best outside of the Zerg faction. I wish more of the cards in this set were generically good but I understand why they made it so parasitic design wise.
Excited to see what warlock* gets, but right now if I go Zerg I think I need to Baneling people! :)
*Edit: Interesting how defensive Warlock went. Not what I expected. I do love deathrattle locations though, that's a cool design.
Wording on the Demon Hunter cards is so weird.
I've never been a fan of using parentheses for conditional effects because it looks so unnatural.
As a Zerg main, I'm loving all these flavorful cards. Really hope we get a Mutalisk minion, let's guess that it does "Battlecry: Deal x damage to a minion and an adjacent minion"
Close enough for ya? hehe While it doesn't have a Battlecry, it has the neighbor effect you were guessing. It can even go face while not going face :D
Knew it would have something to do with neighbor minions :D the Mutalisks glaive attack would bounce to other units and was so strong in SC2, would wipe out an army of Marines in seconds :D