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Looking for criticism for my deck Lulu Zed Elusive Supports

Submitted 4 years, 4 months ago by

Do you think I should of went with a different champion than Zed? Is Fae guide too bad? Just looking for helpful criticism.

I was thinking Fae Guide + Ghost would be good for extra damage with the non elusives but maybe its too slow and I have hush to counter other elusives. 

  • KingMicahhh's Avatar
    Banned 375 282 Posts Joined 11/30/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Do you think I should of went with a different champion than Zed? Is Fae guide too bad? Just looking for helpful criticism.

    I was thinking Fae Guide + Ghost would be good for extra damage with the non elusives but maybe its too slow and I have hush to counter other elusives. 

    Kenny's little poet. 😇

  • meisterz39's Avatar
    925 1200 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Flower Child seems like a natural inclusion that you're missing. It gets a permanent buff any time it gets support, and it's a 1-drop for Kinkou Wayfinder. I also generally like Young Witch over Herald of Spring. She's elusive, so she frequently just gets to put in chip damage, and she is more useful than Herald when she gets a buff from Lulu. She also provides a very meaningful combat buff, while the Herald just gives lifesteal. (Ideally you won't need lifesteal, since your deck is aggressive and you should be able to use a lot of life as a resource while chipping away at your opponent.)

  • TheTriferianGeneral's Avatar
    Soldier 555 878 Posts Joined 02/10/2020
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    I think that your list is very unrefined for now and that there is much potential for improvement.

    First of all: get rid of that pointless Porofly! Not only is a 1 mana 1/1 spellshield quite weak, it also disrupts your allegiance without bringing any benefit to the deck. Also i would suggest to replace Tyari the Traveler with Young Witch which is a great card unlike tyari who can't even convince me in expeditions. Also i can't recommend playing more than 2 copies of hush!BADCARDNAME Ghost and Fae Guide who are very situational and overall not needed or helpful often enough to run 3. What should you replate the slots with? 3 Flower Child , 2 Deny 3 Greenglade Duo... you know good cards that work 


  • Hellcopter's Avatar
    270 306 Posts Joined 02/09/2020
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    But why Porofly over Solari Soldier?

    Spirit's Refuge is probably more usefull then Herald of Spring and has better sinergy with Lulu and Zed

    3 copies of Hush is way too much. I don't even think one copy is any good.
    Not only Hush lasts for only 1 turn but also you don't want to stall or trade units or waste mana on multiple casts. 

    Hearthstone: Me vs Firebat -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09NCE81owjo

  • Phaseshifter's Avatar
    180 114 Posts Joined 06/06/2020
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago


    I can't see that Porofly has a purpose here. It seems to be there just so Wayfinder finds something. I also question the value of Ghost, since most of your guys have elusive, and it's a temporary effect.


    The deck's main advantage is evasion and its weaknesses are that it doesn't deal damage very quickly, and will struggle with blocking your opponent's threats.


    Lulu is good with evasive cards. But half of her value is lost, since there's nothing your deck can constantly suicide to kill enemy units, the "Vulnerable" part of "Help, Pix! won't do much for you. I don't feel there's any point to either Porofly or flower child. The fly doesn't do anything. And while Flower Child does benefit from support. You are always going to want to support an elusive card. And even if you don't. Anything can block and kill it. I think even Gift Giver or Inspiring Mentor would be better.

    I would consider Mentor of the Stones or Mountain Sojourners to give the deck some more power. Sojourners only need to attack once to put you in a good position. And Mentor is like a spell that can attack and block, then gives you another spell.


    Now, since you're not planning on optimizing Greenglade duo. I wouldn't bother with Kikou wayfinder, unless it fetches support guys from your deck. And the only 1 cost support is Pix!

  • OldManSanns's Avatar
    Azir 1040 924 Posts Joined 08/05/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    In general, I think you need to decide what your deck wants to be:

    1. An synergy-driven tempo deck,
    2. An elusive aggro/combo deck,
    3. An elusive midrange deck, or
    4. A wavefinder combo deck

    For #1: you're probably taking out your weaker bodies (Porofly, Conspirator, Wavefinder, Herald) and replacing them with cards like Mentor of the Stones and Flower Child.

    For #2: I think you want to shuck Targon entirely and go for an emoosive deck with Greathorn Companion and Relentless Pursuit. Let me know if you'd like me to link such a decklist.

    For #3: you'll want to extend your curve to look more like old-school elusive -- e.g., include Windfarer Hatchling

    For #4: I think you want to make an Encroaching Shadows deck circa Nolagold's theorcraft below.

    More specifically:

    • 3x Fae Guide + 3x Ghost is excesive
    • Cut 3x Hush for 1-2x Whimsy!. Remember that if your opponent's deck has more late-game value than yours, you really want to minimize the amount of reactive cards, especially ones that might only produce a stalemate
    • Consider Gift Giver and Pale Cascade

  • FortyDust's Avatar
    Pumpkin 1205 1912 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    I, too, tried to make Zed work with Lulu, but I soon learned that no matter how you build it, there are better Champions for this list than Zed.

    As Sanns hinted, since this list in particular is so Ionia-heavy, you may even want to pick a different second region to find someone better.

  • KingMicahhh's Avatar
    Banned 375 282 Posts Joined 11/30/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From OldManSanns

    In general, I think you need to decide what your deck wants to be:

    1. An synergy-driven tempo deck,
    2. An elusive aggro/combo deck,
    3. An elusive midrange deck, or
    4. A wavefinder combo deck

    For #1: you're probably taking out your weaker bodies (Porofly, Conspirator, Wavefinder, Herald) and replacing them with cards like Mentor of the Stones and Flower Child.

    For #2: I think you want to shuck Targon entirely and go for an emoosive deck with Greathorn Companion and Relentless Pursuit. Let me know if you'd like me to link such a decklist.

    For #3: you'll want to extend your curve to look more like old-school elusive -- e.g., include Windfarer Hatchling

    For #4: I think you want to make an Encroaching Shadows deck circa Nolagold's theorcraft below.

    More specifically:

    • 3x Fae Guide + 3x Ghost is excesive
    • Cut 3x Hush for 1-2x Whimsy!. Remember that if your opponent's deck has more late-game value than yours, you really want to minimize the amount of reactive cards, especially ones that might only produce a stalemate
    • Consider Gift Giver and Pale Cascade

    Thanks for the criticism. I don't think I know what im doing I changed the deck but probably made it worse thanks anyway though

    Kenny's little poet. 😇

  • OldManSanns's Avatar
    Azir 1040 924 Posts Joined 08/05/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From KingMicahhh

    Thanks for the criticism. I don't think I know what im doing I changed the deck but probably made it worse thanks anyway though

    I actually like the changes you made! The only additions I would recommend on top of that:

    • Change from 3x Blessing of Targon to 2x Relentless Pursuit -- the former is value / "nice to have"; the latter will often find you lethal with all these supports
    • Now that we're in Demacia, change 3x Pix! to 3x War Chefs -- Pix is low-key awful even without wayfinder, and War Chefs is good enough to run even in decks without support synergies
    • 3x Herald of Spring to 3x Fuzzy Caretaker -- for this deck you'll value +3 attack so much more than lifesteal, plus it will help flatten out your curve a little
    • Cut Twin Disciplines from 3x to 2x -- we don't want too many reactive cards -- and then with this slot plus the opened Blessing's slot, add 2x Windfarer Hatchling to give some game-closing options
  • OldManSanns's Avatar
    Azir 1040 924 Posts Joined 08/05/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    I actually test drove this evening with the above suggestions -- pretty neat, I think I went 4-3.

    • I'm not sold on Wayfinder. It did hit nice a few times, but it also wiffed once and one time it gave me a Flower Child when I didn't have anything to buff it.
    • Relentless Pursuit is definitely awesome -- I think I closed a couple of games around Round 5 thanks to it.
    • Windfarer Hatchling closed out a game
    • Twin Disciplines was clutch more often than I expected. I ran the full 3x by accident, but in the end I wasn't regretting it

    I don't think it's as consistent as the Lulu-Shen variant gaining popularity, but it does have a nice feel to it.

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