Stack limit
Submitted 4 years, 2 months ago by
Is there seriously such a thing as maximum how many abilities and spells can be on the stack? Today as I was playing ranked, I played Rex with plunder on a Ledros that had 1hp left, with me still holding a Death's Hand as well as a Ravenous Flock with 4 mana. Rex already created 7 abilities on the stack and the guy just played Unspeakeble Horror and Atrocity and the game did not give me prioritiy to react. In my opinion this is such a ridicolous way to lose a ranked game.
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Is there seriously such a thing as maximum how many abilities and spells can be on the stack? Today as I was playing ranked, I played Rex with plunder on a Ledros that had 1hp left, with me still holding a Death's Hand as well as a Ravenous Flock with 4 mana. Rex already created 7 abilities on the stack and the guy just played Unspeakeble Horror and Atrocity and the game did not give me prioritiy to react. In my opinion this is such a ridicolous way to lose a ranked game.
Yeah, it's dumb. They should let you play as many spells as you want, and, if there's isn't enough physical space on the screen, have the stack scroll to the right, while showing only half the icon of the most recent spell that's visible, so you know there's more than 8 spells there.
Often, limits are necessary in computer games just to define how much memory much be allocated.
I agree that any such limits should be high enough that they don't impact normal gameplay, but to be fair: hitting the current limit is exceptionally rare. I've been playing almost daily since Open Beta and have never encountered this myself.
I feel like no one ever achieves the stack limit outside of Riptide Rex being on the stack in the first place, that or Karma. I think it's a fine mechanic, just needs to be clarified further. A lot of the game feels like this where you lose because you didn't know the interaction and you learn from your mistake after that. Like how you can't ghost block an overwhelm unit.
Take my words with a grain of salt. I'm unranked and only play casuals lmao.
Agreed, it sounds like the opponent just knew about the stack limit, and played to it specifically. Getting outplayed is not something to be sad about. You learn and you move on. Next time you're in that kind of spot, you do the spells first and Riptide after. Lesson learned.