Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

1 Characters

Most recent event cards

Submitted 4 years ago by

These new event cards make the game take so much longer than it needs to - not in terms of time limit, but the turns take forever because we have to watch popstar ahri because a spell that blows up the field for barely any cost at all is played, then they play more of those cards and make more of those cards, so that eventually we're basically just watching a shitty superbowl half time show as some n64 graphics ahri dances on the screen. 

 I thought it'd be cool to pick up a card game where I wasnt already so far behind in terms of deck essentials.  I was enjoying it at first but soon realized... there really isn't much thought to this game.  Buy best cards/deck then wait until you get your prize card, or an event card that you play for free with no cost other than its mana lol.  Unenjoyable.  Uninstalling.  Not sure if anyone that has any investment in the game will read or care.  Not a pity party or salty flaming, just stating my observation.  

  • bankable's Avatar
    60 5 Posts Joined 12/09/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    These new event cards make the game take so much longer than it needs to - not in terms of time limit, but the turns take forever because we have to watch popstar ahri because a spell that blows up the field for barely any cost at all is played, then they play more of those cards and make more of those cards, so that eventually we're basically just watching a shitty superbowl half time show as some n64 graphics ahri dances on the screen. 

     I thought it'd be cool to pick up a card game where I wasnt already so far behind in terms of deck essentials.  I was enjoying it at first but soon realized... there really isn't much thought to this game.  Buy best cards/deck then wait until you get your prize card, or an event card that you play for free with no cost other than its mana lol.  Unenjoyable.  Uninstalling.  Not sure if anyone that has any investment in the game will read or care.  Not a pity party or salty flaming, just stating my observation.  

  • LexiconX's Avatar
    110 4 Posts Joined 12/09/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    Literally every competitive card game boils down to just buying the best cards and decks. Every single one. At the very least LoR is more willing to change what those cards are and, as a result, the game has by far the most diverse and balanced metagame of any of them, and I've played them all. If the game isn't for you then that's cool, but you can't use something every game does as a knock against specifically this one. 

    More to your actual complaint, however, I do agree that some of the popstar animations take too long and I do hope they either allow us to turn them off or shorten them somehow. Maybe only show the animation the first time the spell is cast?

    Either way, if you're uninstalling then have fun with other games.

  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Feel The Rush costs 12 mana it's not "just mana" it's a really expensive card, it plays the animation cause they wanted to promote kda and those cards are suppoused to be deck defining win conditions:

    Go Hard is some sort of combo finisher it's a big effect clearing your opponent full board and you built toward it the whole game.

    Feel The Rush is a big finisher to a ramp deck so it's really something special you summon 2 10/10 champions from your deck that's quite a big deal...

    Give It All also a  finisher.

    Go Get It it's more of a combo card maybe a combo finisher of sort anyway it's supposed to be a big build block of such combo deck that doesn't exist yet (or maybe it's not discovered yet).

    Out Of The Way changes how you play the game quite drastically you should remember it got activated.

    I like KDA as a whole, so I have no issues with them being in the game but I think their effects are impactful enough to warrant their funfair animation.

    I doubt they are gonna go too much over the top on animations like that I agree it can be overbearing if there are like 10 level up like animations but most games you should expect 3~1 level up animations in total and if you don't like those you are probably not the target audience of this game anyway.

    About the meta, there are some easy to pilot decks that don't require much thought behind them (like bannerman Demacia) but those decks are in every card game anyway, there needs to be a deck for every player profile at least(spike,jhonny,timmy) and every skill level (easy,medium,hard)

    There are some decks that are harder to pilot, and even between the easy decks there are a lot of decision points.

    About buying the "best cards", sure you can't really go too far with an elite deck for example that archtype is not full fledged yet(or ever, maybe it's just a starter archtype), so of course you at least start with a bunch of weaker cards and then get stronger as you go..

    But compared to HS you get strong really quickly in about 2 weeks you can have a full deck of your choosing, in contrasts you need to farm like 20 days for a legendary something like this...

  • bankable's Avatar
    60 5 Posts Joined 12/09/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    Sorry if it was misleading.  Im not targetting this specifically for the cash grab (even though it is).  The event cards are just dumb.  "Go Hard" lets you just make a whole deck of them, then watch Ahri dance, which you know..if you just pay 30 bucks you get em all!!!!  FUN + INTERACTIVE.  Keep those animations in their cinematics please,  I already wait long enough because trolls like to spam emotes for no reason lol.  Would be nice to stick around to see if collecting all the cards will help and that I just dont have a large enough sample size of what's possible, but there's a million other things I be doing aside from hoping Riot isn't just about cash anymore.  I had a good run, but it looks like I'm a naysayer. 

  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years ago
    Quote From bankable

    Sorry if it was misleading.  Im not targetting this specifically for the cash grab (even though it is).  The event cards are just dumb.  "Go Hard" lets you just make a whole deck of them, then watch Ahri dance

    First of all it's Evelynn, also it's hard to get this to trigger consistantly you need to play and draw 3 copies of Go Hard then draw a forth copy, (and I think the dance shows only once per game, per card anyway)

    Quote From bankable
    ,which you know..if you just pay 30 bucks you get em all!!!!  FUN + INTERACTIVE.

    And in HS you don't need to pay?

    As far as I know, you can craft those cards with wild cards, if you are saying the 30 bucks are for crafting I am full f2p in this game and have a full collection just from doing quests while quitting for a few months in between. (you mean 1800 coins needed to buy 15 epic wild cards for the kda cards right?)

    Quote From bankable
    Keep those animations in their cinematics please,  I already wait long enough because trolls like to spam emotes for no reason lol.

    If you dislike emote spamming you can mute them.. you know.. also players on higher levels will emote less, the cinematics are part of the game and they are kinda neat did you see the Twisted Fate level up animation? and Nautilus? Swain?

    Quote From bankable
    Would be nice to stick around to see if collecting all the cards will help and that I just dont have a large enough sample size of what's possible, but there's a million other things I be doing aside from hoping Riot isn't just about cash anymore.  I had a good run, but it looks like I'm a naysayer.

    Every company is looking for gain, but Riot's system is that they gain money mostly from cosmetics and people who are impatient.

    I play league for 8 years and I had in about 5 years a full champion collection without buying a single one with money (bought cosmetics though), that's their system they prefer 100 players spending 10$ in cosmetics instead of 10 players spending 100$ to actually play the game. (and by having all champion in league you have all the tools to play the game as you like in terms of monetization in the game)


  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    You do realize that you don't need to pay anything to get the KD/A cards, right? And that you have the option of disabling the emotes. Finally the champion featured in Go Hard is Evelynn not Ahri. So please next time do your homework before complaining about something. 

  • bankable's Avatar
    60 5 Posts Joined 12/09/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    @ minuano28 I dont care what champion it is.  I want to play the game, unless evelynn is nip slippin like janet jackson - then idgaf.  I wanna play cards. The animations are too long, and the champion in the animation is irrelevant.  So if you want to comment about doing homework, you can do your own and come up with a well thought out reply like  @DoubleSummon did. 


    HS and Yugioh and other TCG i have experience with the combos and plays are a lil bit more intricate.  LoR = Play card, get op effect.  - starting with this.


    @DoubleSummon - I didnt argue the other games do it, and I believe it was early release you pay for the quest rewards unsure if they provided the cards, again I could be wrong.  I have seen all the hero level ups (I prefer running TF and doin a lil bim bam bizzle), which I mean it just happens once.

      I find myself in numerous games where it's Targon (naturally new = op) and they loop and just sit and take infinite turns.  I dont know the cards well enough to recite what is happening. 

     For the trolls I do mute doesnt mean they still dont intentionally take up the full time and slow roll.  I don't have the time to climb to the top and thats already, but I will voice my opinion. 

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    Quote From Author
    @DoubleSummon - I didnt argue the other games do it, and I believe it was early release you pay for the quest rewards unsure if they provided the cards, again I could be wrong.  I have seen all the hero level ups (I prefer running TF and doin a lil bim bam bizzle), which I mean it just happens once.

    You don't understand how the event works do you. You do quest to unlock rewards, some of the rewards are premium (mostly cosmetics and some shards) other are free ( the KD/a cards ) 

    Quote From Author
    HS and Yugioh and other TCG i have experience with the combos and plays are a lil bit more intricate.  LoR = Play card, get op effect.  - starting with this.

    I can't speak for Heartstone haven't played the game in years, but I still play Yu-Gi-Oh a lot, and that game is plagued by monsters and floodgate that can negate any move you make to the point that if you don't open with hand traps in your first turn you might just give up, so no it's not more intricate.

    Quote From Author
    I find myself in numerous games where it's Targon (naturally new = op) and they loop and just sit and take infinite turns.  I dont know the cards well enough to recite what is happening.

    Targon is not op, if you had done your homework your would know that most player complained about how underwhelming Targon felt compared to Bilgwater. In the top six meta decks we have now, only two of them use Targon Tahm Kench/Soraka and Fearsome aggro and second one only use three cards from that region.

    Quote From Author
    For the trolls I do mute doesnt mean they still dont intentionally take up the full time and slow roll.  I don't have the time to climb to the top and thats already, but I will voice my opinion.

    So according to you players who take their time to think about their next move are trolling? No wonder you can't climb. Here's an advice in the next card game you chose to play take time to learn the game and improve instead of just crying about card being OP any time you lose to better players.

  • thazud's Avatar
    Duskrider 265 93 Posts Joined 06/05/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Each to their own opinion. However, your critique reminds me of when you read a 1-star review of a game from a person who clearly doesn't get what he/she is talking about. 

  • bankable's Avatar
    60 5 Posts Joined 12/09/2020
    Posted 4 years ago
    Quote From thazud

    Each to their own opinion. However, your critique reminds me of when you read a 1-star review of a game from a person who clearly doesn't get what he/she is talking about

    Well I did put there's still things I don't know.  So again, lemme get to the point of... have anything constructive? 

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Honestly speaking, I do understand where OP is coming from. Some animations do just take up too much time and it gets repetitively annoying when you see/hear it. One of the cases would be in HS where the opponent just keeps playing Pen Flinger. In Runeterra the only card that would be equivalent would be Go Hard but like DoubleSummon said it just triggers once so it's honestly not so bad. If you prefer having no animations in a card game then that's completely your taste and I have no problems with that but for me, the animations are part of the reason why Runeterra is fun. A digital card game without animations or something along those lines is just pretty bland. The emotes are amazing for this reason, they honestly don't feel like BM or troll often because not all of them feel overly annoying like the Nocturne emote for example.

    However, I have to disagree with how you said HS and Yu-gi-oh are more intricate than LoR. Magic the Gathering? Ok, maybe I'd understand that at least, that game has a ton of cards and mechanics and very many ways to play. I've never played Yu-gi-oh but I heard that it's in an unfun state right now where games end within a couple of turns but I'm not sure, minuano28 definitely said it better. Hearthstone on the other hand is definitely not intricate as you say it is. You say that in LoR it's just "Play card and get OP effect" but you've essentially described Hearthstone instead of LoR. LoR is a game about interactions between the cards. It's a game more than about play cards and more about when and how do I play the card in this matchup. For example, sometimes if you are playing against a Feel The Rush deck, and you're running Deny, you'd try your best leaving 4 Mana up at all times instead so your opponent will be disincentivized to play Feel The Rush. This is why uninteractive combo decks that would work in HS would never work in a game like LoR.

    Talking about decks, HS is honestly a really bad game in terms of deck diversity at least. HS has way more cards in Standard than LoR does but there are way more ways to build decks in LoR than we do in HS. That's probably more about why the two regions and 40 card system allows you more deckbuilding opportunities but I would say that's not the only reason. I think that there are more build-around cards in LoR than there are in HS. One such case would be the Go Hard decks. This card singlehandedly created many decks and many ways to play that deck. TF Go Hard for one is a tempo version of the deck where they rely a bit more on having control on the board and drawing through the deck, but there are other ways where you can play Karma Go Hard and it's a full control deck where you rely on surviving using stun, recalls and heals. There are also other decks such as Ezreal Go Hard where it's more combo-based and relies way more on Ezreal than they do on Go Hard. Unlike HS where the card designs are limited, LoR has wilder cards that allow these cards to become more flexible and balanced.

    However, if you say that you did not enjoy LoR, I'd understand. Everyone has their own tastes after all. I've heard many complaints about the game and while some were unjust, there's no reason to try and persuade someone to replay the game.

    Take my words with a grain of salt. I'm unranked and only play casuals lmao.

  • Hellcopter's Avatar
    270 306 Posts Joined 02/09/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    The very existence of Hand Traps + other cards that are designed to give the second player a huge edge in Yu-gi-Oh (Evenly Matched, Dark Ruler no More, Nibiru, etc) shows how unbalanced / uhealthy the game became over the years... to the point if a player goes second and doesn't start with those specific counters, he just loses.

    Hearthstone: Me vs Firebat -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09NCE81owjo

  • bankable's Avatar
    60 5 Posts Joined 12/09/2020
    Posted 4 years ago



    Oh I don't frequent card games that much.  I reference the others from when I played some.  Most experience was Yugioh and I wasnt a fan of the 1 to 2 turn matches either.  I guess I'm a bit picky, because every card game tailors to what THEY want to see played competitively, not the freedom of deck building.   (My opinon, there is nothing to argue there or change my mind about).

    The difference between the 1-2 turn games in yugioh is that the players know how to use the combos and dig through decks and no what they can do.  There's nothing that allows you to really do that in this.  The only thing close was, imo, a basic brain dead demacia spam, that I think was brought up earlier in the comments.  I don't know about the current state of Yugioh, I also was very brief in my MTG experience so I didnt want to bring up a game I have literally no idea about other than color decks and heroes or legends (their op cards).

    For HS, I have a bit of experience but yea, it looks like HS may be the worst in terms of pay to win for sure.   Spoke too soon about the LoR pay to win.  There's definitely algorithms in place though. (not saying im a good card player could be diamond if it wasnt for my luck - transition to LoL "my teammates keep me silver")  You can see if you go on a hot streak, right after your first draw is unbelievably unlucky and are almost always going against counters no matter what deck you switch to.  I just surrender a few games automatically then go back to regular playing.  


    @ anyone else that wants to just simply come talk shit..This post isnt meant for fanboys/girls to come defend riot's honor by the way, I've happily spent plenty of money and invested a lot of time into LoL.. it's just a discussion about the game.  If youre offended go back to looking up LoL hentai. 

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