Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

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An Attempt at Poppy for LoR

Submitted 3 years, 8 months ago by

I had some issues with making this forum but I actually managed to fix it I think? It seems to have the images. Anyway I'm not sure on the balance of this, and not even sure if this will stay up since I expressly asked them to take it down when I failed to put up the images. Either way I'm mostly just showing off the idea, I think balance wise I likely made her stats too high given her versatility but I wanted to share the concept at least and this was the only place I could think to given that there isn't a hub for custom LoR like there is HS.

  • Topandito's Avatar
    905 478 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    I had some issues with making this forum but I actually managed to fix it I think? It seems to have the images. Anyway I'm not sure on the balance of this, and not even sure if this will stay up since I expressly asked them to take it down when I failed to put up the images. Either way I'm mostly just showing off the idea, I think balance wise I likely made her stats too high given her versatility but I wanted to share the concept at least and this was the only place I could think to given that there isn't a hub for custom LoR like there is HS.

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    If you want to add images, the best way I've found is to use imgur to host the image and then copy the image link, then copy the image address and use the "Insert Image" tool on Outof.cards to insert it. Alternatively, you can post a link to an album containing the card or a reddit post. I hope this helps!

  • Topandito's Avatar
    905 478 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    I think I did that? I clicked the copy link in Imgur then I put the address into the top box in the insert image...? but when I posted the forum it was nothing but my text. I'm likely just missing something obvious like a twit but I can't figure it out. Not sure I wanna try again either since I will likely just get told off for spamming absolutely nothing. Ah well.

  • Topandito's Avatar
    905 478 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    I actually managed to fix it shockingly enough. Thank you for the assistance Parrot. Not sure it was worth it but I appreciate it anyway. XD

  • Vandaren's Avatar
    620 636 Posts Joined 06/05/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    I don't know a thing about Poppy so i don't know what she should be doing or what she would feels right doing.

    Based on the card effect you take the direction of a defensive champion which revolves around blocking, which is nice since we haven't got anything like that. The fact that it can be played with fast speed but only in defense is really interesting (and 6 mana i feel like a good balance), i will assume that this is how Poppy will be played most of the time if she is on the game.

    The problem for me is with that 4 attack she really can hold her own against most of the unit, and with cards like single combat in the same region i believe she will be hard to take down (6 health + tough) while also taking down many enemies.

    So my suggestion is lowering her attack down to 3 or maybe 2 to still align with your goal being a defence-oriented champion.

    But i absolutely love the art, though. The lvl 1 like some sort of shy Poppy, while in lvl 2 she gain power or confidence to be able to do whatever she needs to do. So overall it's a good job.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    For a custom Legends of Runeterra card, this does not look bad at all. Most custom cards I've seen in the past have always been really awkward in terms of design. This one seems really well done. It brings the flavor of Poppy tackling an enemy using her E and stunning them. The translation of her abilities into cards seems very clear to me too so overall your cards are really well done imo. I like that you made Flash from MtG in LoR and gave it to Poppy and I believe that it should be a new keyword entirely. I could see it appearing in LoR especially since Galio could use the same keyword as well.

    A couple of things you do need to clarify, your Iron Ambassador should be Poppy's Iron Ambassador but I understand what you meant by it so it doesn't matter much. Poppy herself is a bit confusing and this is what I mean by it's probably better by making a new keyword for her. I don't really understand what you mean by Fast speed and blocking an enemy as there's no such thing. There are only burst speed blockers and the closest thing to it is Concussive Palm which is a fast speed stun spell that summons a unit but the Tail of the Dragon it summons isn't able to block.

    Poppy herself from a balance perspective is interesting and I would say she is a bit strong but that's about it. My worries are the design flaws it does have.

    - First off, it's a stun in Demacia. This is probably fine as Champions are very well known for breaking region identities and it is interesting as you could have Demacia Yasuo.

    - Secondly, this is a card the disincentivize attacking. The developers had said that they don't like the current iteration of Tahm Soraka because the deck makes it so that you don't want to attack into their units as they will have responses to your attacks and even if your attacks do get through unless you're a burn/aggro deck it probably won't matter much.

    Overall, I really like the cards you made. I think all of them are very well balanced and great in showing what Poppy does in LoL.

    Take my words with a grain of salt. I'm unranked and only play casuals lmao.

  • Topandito's Avatar
    905 478 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From FenrirWulf

    For a custom Legends of Runeterra card, this does not look bad at all. Most custom cards I've seen in the past have always been really awkward in terms of design. This one seems really well done. It brings the flavor of Poppy tackling an enemy using her E and stunning them. The translation of her abilities into cards seems very clear to me too so overall your cards are really well done imo. I like that you made Flash from MtG in LoR and gave it to Poppy and I believe that it should be a new keyword entirely. I could see it appearing in LoR especially since Galio could use the same keyword as well.

    A couple of things you do need to clarify, your Iron Ambassador should be Poppy's Iron Ambassador but I understand what you meant by it so it doesn't matter much. Poppy herself is a bit confusing and this is what I mean by it's probably better by making a new keyword for her. I don't really understand what you mean by Fast speed and blocking an enemy as there's no such thing. There are only burst speed blockers and the closest thing to it is Concussive Palm which is a fast speed stun spell that summons a unit but the Tail of the Dragon it summons isn't able to block.

    Poppy herself from a balance perspective is interesting and I would say she is a bit strong but that's about it. My worries are the design flaws it does have.

    - First off, it's a stun in Demacia. This is probably fine as Champions are very well known for breaking region identities and it is interesting as you could have Demacia Yasuo.

    - Secondly, this is a card the disincentivize attacking. The developers had said that they don't like the current iteration of Tahm Soraka because the deck makes it so that you don't want to attack into their units as they will have responses to your attacks and even if your attacks do get through unless you're a burn/aggro deck it probably won't matter much.

    Overall, I really like the cards you made. I think all of them are very well balanced and great in showing what Poppy does in LoL.

    You make a lot of good points and I thin you're right about it being a little too good at punishing attacks. The intention in case I didn't make it clear was that she could stun one target while blocking another, which is why I worried she might be too versatile. I do think that a stun in Demacia could be fine given that it is only on a champion and requires you to invest a very important slot into playing her. 

    Perhaps the best way to go about it is lowering the attack as Vandaren suggested above. That way it would be able to stop aggression but wouldn't reliably kill an attacking unit in the combat that follows.

  • Topandito's Avatar
    905 478 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From Vandaren

    I don't know a thing about Poppy so i don't know what she should be doing or what she would feels right doing.

    Based on the card effect you take the direction of a defensive champion which revolves around blocking, which is nice since we haven't got anything like that. The fact that it can be played with fast speed but only in defense is really interesting (and 6 mana i feel like a good balance), i will assume that this is how Poppy will be played most of the time if she is on the game.

    The problem for me is with that 4 attack she really can hold her own against most of the unit, and with cards like single combat in the same region i believe she will be hard to take down (6 health + tough) while also taking down many enemies.

    So my suggestion is lowering her attack down to 3 or maybe 2 to still align with your goal being a defence-oriented champion.

    But i absolutely love the art, though. The lvl 1 like some sort of shy Poppy, while in lvl 2 she gain power or confidence to be able to do whatever she needs to do. So overall it's a good job.

    Thank you for the input! I agree that it might need to have lower attack since it likely trades a little too well and makes it hard to attack without being heavily punished. I am leaning toward 3 attack if I were to change it given that I worry it might be a little too weak at 2 and just turn into a wall that falls apart against anything that isn't the most aggressive deck. 

    I'm glad you like the art but it is all just art from LoL. The first is just her classic splash art in LoL and I used a skin that is meant to be her as a veteran, also from LoL. The two spells are from her abilities in the game. I just figured that if it ain't broke, no reason to fix it.

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