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Got back into expeditions and found myself in a cheese factory

Submitted 4 years, 2 months ago by

Hey everyone, 

to those who don't really play expeditions frequently proably won't be able to relate to this post so I am not sure if that post will be for you.

For those who do play expeditions frequently I would like to know if it is normal for expeditions that decks are that close to contructed level on low win counts that most of them have a cheesy way to end games without many ways to interact as the opponent, with cards that pretty much close the game once they hit the field and where your best bet is spray and pray that they don't hit their wincondition earlier than you can beat them. 

What kind of decks am I talking about? I talk about The Grand Plaza decks Lee Sin deck s Fiora decks with Unyielding Spirit (actually also) Teemo shroom decks with tons of the "both-player-draw" cards and removal (the classic) elusive spam perfect curve daybreak or all in noxus, decks that are so extreme at what they do that you have no way beating them at their game and where you have to find ways around them with your own kind of cheese. 

It feels kinda terrible to play that kind of expeditions where your deck needs to be crazy good to survive even the early rounds because the deck quality feels to be through the roof. 

I mean there are plenty explanations to me for this which are:

-only hardcore limited players are playing expeditions anymore

- there are 3rd party programms used  widely that assist with deck creation 

- powerlevel of cosmic creations is just busted in limited

- consistancy of draft themes is too high

- me being unlucky with the matchups (which is unlikely since then it would not have been that frequent)

Proably it is a mix of all of these factors. I just can say that play expeditions like this feels extremely hard to compete in and are just miles away from the experience i had the last times playing expeditions. 

I don't know if that is possible but i feel like riot should reduce the theme consistancy of decks so that cheesy onetrick decks are less a thing but who am I to judge...

What have you experienced yourselves? Have you been to expeditions since cosmic creations? If so: how has it felt to play in it? Did you experienced the cheesy onetrick issue aswell? Do you know a solution other than doing the same?

I don't enjoy a semi constructed limited where both players try to outcheese each other with their strats and removal is so rare and weak that you can't stop the cheese...

  • TheTriferianGeneral's Avatar
    Soldier 555 878 Posts Joined 02/10/2020
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Hey everyone, 

    to those who don't really play expeditions frequently proably won't be able to relate to this post so I am not sure if that post will be for you.

    For those who do play expeditions frequently I would like to know if it is normal for expeditions that decks are that close to contructed level on low win counts that most of them have a cheesy way to end games without many ways to interact as the opponent, with cards that pretty much close the game once they hit the field and where your best bet is spray and pray that they don't hit their wincondition earlier than you can beat them. 

    What kind of decks am I talking about? I talk about The Grand Plaza decks Lee Sin deck s Fiora decks with Unyielding Spirit (actually also) Teemo shroom decks with tons of the "both-player-draw" cards and removal (the classic) elusive spam perfect curve daybreak or all in noxus, decks that are so extreme at what they do that you have no way beating them at their game and where you have to find ways around them with your own kind of cheese. 

    It feels kinda terrible to play that kind of expeditions where your deck needs to be crazy good to survive even the early rounds because the deck quality feels to be through the roof. 

    I mean there are plenty explanations to me for this which are:

    -only hardcore limited players are playing expeditions anymore

    - there are 3rd party programms used  widely that assist with deck creation 

    - powerlevel of cosmic creations is just busted in limited

    - consistancy of draft themes is too high

    - me being unlucky with the matchups (which is unlikely since then it would not have been that frequent)

    Proably it is a mix of all of these factors. I just can say that play expeditions like this feels extremely hard to compete in and are just miles away from the experience i had the last times playing expeditions. 

    I don't know if that is possible but i feel like riot should reduce the theme consistancy of decks so that cheesy onetrick decks are less a thing but who am I to judge...

    What have you experienced yourselves? Have you been to expeditions since cosmic creations? If so: how has it felt to play in it? Did you experienced the cheesy onetrick issue aswell? Do you know a solution other than doing the same?

    I don't enjoy a semi constructed limited where both players try to outcheese each other with their strats and removal is so rare and weak that you can't stop the cheese...

  • OldManSanns's Avatar
    Azir 1040 924 Posts Joined 08/05/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    I too have been playing a lot more expeditions lately (although for me its to progress the prismatic quests), and I would say overall my experience is much more positive than yours. While I have unexpected lost games due to my opponent having more luck than I will play around in a limited format (e.g., Fiora + 2 barriers in the first 5 rounds, The Ruination, etc), on average I'd say most games come down to both players making the best with what they have and very limited "cheese".

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