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Something to enjoy this weekend (Maybe..)

Submitted 3 years, 3 months ago by

Hi fellas.

Something come up in my mind, and I decide to make it happen.

How about making a card that can describe:
- Your personality. (Meme or pun is acceptable, but it's optional), or
- Description of your user ID, or what effect would be if your ID was a card, or
- Something you like to do in your life and make that into a card.

Any feedback is always appreciated. Anything. But please make sure your ID is on the card name itself
And It's up to you to use any kind of card. Whether it's Runeterra, Hearthstone, etc.

But since I mostly played Hearthstone, here's mine.

Happy Weekend.
EDIT. I wonder what kind of card Flux would be. Had been in my mind a few times.

  • h0lysatan's Avatar
    Zombie 1065 790 Posts Joined 12/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Hi fellas.

    Something come up in my mind, and I decide to make it happen.

    How about making a card that can describe:
    - Your personality. (Meme or pun is acceptable, but it's optional), or
    - Description of your user ID, or what effect would be if your ID was a card, or
    - Something you like to do in your life and make that into a card.

    Any feedback is always appreciated. Anything. But please make sure your ID is on the card name itself
    And It's up to you to use any kind of card. Whether it's Runeterra, Hearthstone, etc.

    But since I mostly played Hearthstone, here's mine.

    Happy Weekend.
    EDIT. I wonder what kind of card Flux would be. Had been in my mind a few times.

    Knowledge is Power

  • CrystalMaiden's Avatar
    60 6 Posts Joined 10/24/2021
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    Cool idea, but I don't know how you can describe yourself even with a card)

  • cristymoo's Avatar
    60 5 Posts Joined 12/17/2021
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    I totally agree that this is a great idea, but I'm lazy to make a lot of effort after work. Lol

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