Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

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Returning to the game, couple of questions

Submitted 3 years, 4 months ago by



I'm starting this game again. Historically I played it mostly at beginning. Got a couple of (newb?) questions :

- Zoe evolution condition states that she must see you playing 10 cards with different names for her to evolve. I know that for couting she must be on board. What I'm wondering is does the counter is saved if she dies and you play another ? Or do you start all over? Should it be the later, she looks... slightly impossible to evolve...

- When you buy a card skin, you're offered a free copy of the champion. But if you craft a regular copy, does it show with the skin or you must buy the skin again ?

- What do you think is the shortest/most consistent way to get Legendary Jokers ?


I've got a now probably outdated Jinx/Draven Discard aggro, which is my serious, quest grinding deck. Now what I'll be aiming is playing dank meme decks, because I like whacky conditions. What I've been thinking to build (for the lulz, not for the winrate lol) :

- Any EDH deck (one copy only of each card)

- A deck with 3 copy of Zoe cuz I love the mechanics behind the card even if she looks... erh

- A landmark deck (coming from Shadowverse and I loved countdown amulets)

- A heavily RNG based deck (much like Hearthstone Tess Rogue) when I want to shut down teh brain.


So last question : What's your most whacky/meme deck ?

  • Kinxil's Avatar
    105 29 Posts Joined 01/15/2020
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago



    I'm starting this game again. Historically I played it mostly at beginning. Got a couple of (newb?) questions :

    - Zoe evolution condition states that she must see you playing 10 cards with different names for her to evolve. I know that for couting she must be on board. What I'm wondering is does the counter is saved if she dies and you play another ? Or do you start all over? Should it be the later, she looks... slightly impossible to evolve...

    - When you buy a card skin, you're offered a free copy of the champion. But if you craft a regular copy, does it show with the skin or you must buy the skin again ?

    - What do you think is the shortest/most consistent way to get Legendary Jokers ?


    I've got a now probably outdated Jinx/Draven Discard aggro, which is my serious, quest grinding deck. Now what I'll be aiming is playing dank meme decks, because I like whacky conditions. What I've been thinking to build (for the lulz, not for the winrate lol) :

    - Any EDH deck (one copy only of each card)

    - A deck with 3 copy of Zoe cuz I love the mechanics behind the card even if she looks... erh

    - A landmark deck (coming from Shadowverse and I loved countdown amulets)

    - A heavily RNG based deck (much like Hearthstone Tess Rogue) when I want to shut down teh brain.


    So last question : What's your most whacky/meme deck ?

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    - count resets for Zoe, you need to play 10 cards again

    - you don't need to buy it again

    -regional rewards is the most and shortest way for wildcards if you didn't complete, other than that, you can buy with real money or need to wait for weekly vault. if you ask for consistent way of experience, 3 win for ai + lab ai + pvp is the most efficient one.


    - i can't recommend any singleton deck since it is not great for Runeterra system, you could use your own singleton. I only can recommend that for highlander, P&Z is best.

    -People use [Hearthstone Card (Zoe) Not Found] not for its upgraded state. They usually use her for filling 1 mana slot and it is most efficient with Lee Sin + Zoe iirc. You should try to build a deck around Zoe but don't use so expensive cards for it. Its style should be aggro-ish to use her level2 passive to give elusive/Overwhelm to your allies.

    - If you don't have any necessity to use a fully themed around landmarks and just loving countdowning some, you can try AshkanBADCARDNAME decks. They aren't built around landmarks but uses AshkanBADCARDNAME's landmark so you can feel that countdown effect.

    - Runeterra doesn't have so much RNG element like Burgle style. Card generations are mostly adressed. You can try Celestial decks or you can use some P&Z/Ionia lists that uses cards like Back Alley Barkeep.

    -This is the deck i use for meme;

    Unpopular Opinion Incarnate

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    If you like RNG style deck you can try Targon's peak deck your goal is to stay alive early using removal healing until you play targon's peak and having it ( Hopefully ) discount one your 8+ mana cards.

  • Kinxil's Avatar
    105 29 Posts Joined 01/15/2020
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    When I saw Targon's peak I was like... erh... Well I did happens to play a very comparable card in another game (basically exactly same effect but it required you to have a single copy of each card in your deck) and the results were... absolute garbage. Welp since here you don't have that restriction the deck is problably much more consistent. So might give the card a try at some point.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    There is a Singleton Gauntlet which allows you to build a deck with 3 regions instead of 2. I hardly ever see any decks for it and building a deck probably requires personal experience which I don't much of. There is a site that used to create Singleton decks however they are incredibly outdated and probably won't work as well anymore. Still, you can use them for inspiration.

    Link to site: https://runeterraccg.com/5-proven-singleton-decks-updated-for-cosmic-creation-expansion/

    There is a pretty decent RNG deck that relies on The Howling Abyss. A bit control heavy so it might not suit your preference.

    Link to the deck: https://lor.mobalytics.gg/decks/c3e8rvaonmgv5533ieig

    Take my words with a grain of salt. I'm unranked and only play casuals lmao.

  • sto650's Avatar
    Santa Braum 635 738 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    There is no Singleton Gauntlet anymore. They completely eliminated it at least three months ago. It's been entirely replaced by the Best-of-three format that is basically the same as the tournament format, and it serves as a secondary way to qualify for the tournaments that happen every 2 months.

    As for memes, off the top of my head I would say: Legion Marauders (with Ashe and LeBlanc) is one option. Mono-LeBlanc Yetis is another option.

    For RNG (if you're a fan of control) you could do a Howling Abyss deck with basically all board wipes and removals, plus The Howling Abyss. Then have fun outvaluing every other deck in the game with level 2 champions for days.

  • Kinxil's Avatar
    105 29 Posts Joined 01/15/2020
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    Aw, I would have been interested in Gauntlet format. But the fact it's no longer a "legit" format doesn't prevent me from doing my own version in constructed. I just think I'll allow myself to apply it only to regular cards, not champions, as there is no much point playing them since champions are designed to be played, most of the time, as 3 copies, or at worst, 2.


    What's pretty obvious is that there will be 3 Zoe. I mean the champion might be hella hard to level up, but she's litterally made for such a meme. The second champion will probably be the most versatile one from a region I believe have enough self serving/versatile cards (so far leaning to Demacia which cards are kinda easy to use, not sure)

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