What are you guys enjoying presently?
I just recently got back into playing, and I'm definitely having fun.
I think I'm a bit weird in this small community, given that I actually play on ladder, and I don't really get stressed about it. After the recent balance changes, I played a fair bit with Daring Poros, because I will always have a soft spot for those guys. My first ever Masters was accomplished with Poros, back when no one thought they were any good.
Still, I did want to play a bit with some actual champions, so I have also been using Lulu/Ahri and enjoying that as well.
When not competing on the ladder, I've managed to clear Path of Champions with the first 5 champs and got the rewards and all. It was definitely engaging, but I'm not sure how much motivation I'll have to keep playing that. At least not as much as I had for playing the old, original Lab of Legends.
What about the rest of you fine folks? What are you enjoying these days?
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I just recently got back into playing, and I'm definitely having fun.
I think I'm a bit weird in this small community, given that I actually play on ladder, and I don't really get stressed about it. After the recent balance changes, I played a fair bit with Daring Poros, because I will always have a soft spot for those guys. My first ever Masters was accomplished with Poros, back when no one thought they were any good.
Still, I did want to play a bit with some actual champions, so I have also been using Lulu/Ahri and enjoying that as well.
When not competing on the ladder, I've managed to clear Path of Champions with the first 5 champs and got the rewards and all. It was definitely engaging, but I'm not sure how much motivation I'll have to keep playing that. At least not as much as I had for playing the old, original Lab of Legends.
What about the rest of you fine folks? What are you enjoying these days?
Frustration with Iceborn Poros aside, I am enjoying the current meta, I don't really face the same decks too many times on ladder which is always nice, my favorite deck at the moment are landmark midrange and darkness control.
Outside of Runeterra I mostly play single player games right now I just finished the first Ori game and started the sequel.
From my side: I just stack buffs on augment units with my Riven Vi list until they oneshot the enemy nexus.
I know that's not really "subtile" but it works and made me rank up in no time.
Riven/Vi is very fun.
I really like it when your opponent focus all their removal on either Riven or Vi only to get smacked in the face with 10+ power Ballistic Bot with either elusive or overwhelm.
I'm currently enjoying Kindred's buff quite a bit. I built a deck that was based around Undying resummoning and Sion level up but since Sion got nerfed I've built the deck less about Sion and more about Kindred and honestly I appreciate the Kindred buff a lot more now. It can now get tutored with Gluttony which is a lot nicer and it being 4 mana allows a curve into Viego so much more naturally. That said, Undying decks not drawing Undying early on still hurts just as usual.
Take my words with a grain of salt. I'm unranked and only play casuals lmao.
but gluttony only summons followers right? wont it just well... not work with kindred?
Nvm Gluttony indeed only summons followers I maybe should read cards before explaining them :)
So no sacrifizing the undying to gluttony won't summon Kindred. The Vaults of Helia however work well
LMAO. Aight that makes sense why I'm only summoning Camavorian Dragons.
Take my words with a grain of salt. I'm unranked and only play casuals lmao.
no problem it happens with the best of us XD, atleast now you know.
I’m currently having fun with a Viego/Atakahn, Shadow Isle / Noxus deck. It’s mainly field semi-tank units and cover them with removal, and wait for Atakahn to arrive
Jayce Lux is my fav deck