Warcraft Rumble Realm

Warcraft Rumble

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Has Warcraft Rumble Lost its Appeal?

Submitted 9 months, 1 week ago by

Did it have any to begin with?

Certainly so! I really enjoyed the PVE nature of the game with the occasional PVP battle mixed in when we were getting close to a new unlock in the guild. But, man, I just lost touch with the game. It was fairly quick to get through the main part of the campaign, with a little resistance in the last few zones but it was to be expected. My problem began when I figured out how Heroic worked.

Heroic was awesome and I wish I had of started it sooner because it would be been an insanely "profitable" thing to bash through for those sweet upgrades, instead of relying on Arclight Surges. But then I 100% completed Elywnn Forest and the bastards gave me a limited-time shop deal that was just impossible to say no to.

And that's how they get you every single damn time. I haven't completed any other zones on Heroic purely because I know the deal will be too good to pass up and if I was having fun, I'll be more inclined to make the purchase. I don't mind buying stuff that is good value and paying for the games I play, but Warcraft Rumble just feels so bad with their monetization.

It's not as bad as some other games. Clash Royale has a pretty shit monetization system. Clash of Clans, which is one of my favourite mobile games of all time, makes it difficult to play for extended sessions without paying money; Of course I just started two other accounts to get around that lmao.

But yeah, the guild died because everyone else stopped playing and I have logged in once in the past two weeks. Heroic cheesed me a bit and I just wish there was more to do in the game. The PvP is kinda bland, though I think that's largely due to the small minion pool available. One unit being releases every few months doesn't feel fun enough. In fact, I don't really ever see a need to change strategies all that much which might be the problem.

I think there's very good designs in the game, but it needs something more. What do you think?

  • StormKnightSera's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1720 2915 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 9 months, 1 week ago

    I think I quit the game without leaving the guild or telling anyone, which is usually a big No-No in my book lol :/ It's pretty rude to take up space in a guild while they await the return that's not happening...but I made the guild, so I guess I felt bad for stopping.

    Ultimately, I spent way too much to fuel my enjoyment of Warcraft Rumble, and when I finally said "No more!" to that front, it became stale *super* quick. As far as I know they still don't have Raids in. I wanted a new objective to work on, something to engage with the other guild members, and Raids could've been that; instead, it's just one forever "Coming Soon!" message that'll never arrive in time to salvage things. The Seasons are boring with only one new addition every six weeks; if the effort spent unlocking the new mini doesn't align well with the family of the week, you're screwed from improving that new unit for a long-ass time. Not to mention the whole "I picked the wrong passive and thus bricked this unit" bullshit.

    Between Hearthstone, Marvel Snap, and Warcraft Rumble as my "log in, do missions/quests, log out" games, Rumble was the clear loser on that front in regards to my interest levels. I barely play the other two as it is, so...yeah. I pruned Rumble from my life so I could play other games without feeling compelled to play something I wasn't enjoying anymore.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3142 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 9 months, 1 week ago

    You put that extremely well, link. The lack of real guild content in the game didn't give us that extra bit of engagement! Seasons are definitely boring and the weekly rotation of families does have its flaws. I was very lucky when I had started that I picked the right hero because my shop rotation worked out well and I was able to scale power quickly with that and the dungeons. Not to mention the thousands of gold I received for server problems that went right into the primary army.

    I really should have touched on passives. The mechanic is super shitty and I've been lucky enough that I don't feel like I've bricked any units, but it's clearly a problem that people are having. I was thinking the game might have a heavy Pay to Win element with you getting all the abilities at the same time once you leveled up enough, so I suppose I'm a little thankful that is not the case.

    I still have some hope that more might happen with it. Until then though, yeah I'm just not feeling it anymore.

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