Out of Cards Changelog - 2019-06-01
Submitted 5 years, 7 months ago by
June has arrived and so have more updates to Out of Cards!
New Features
- Deck Listings Redone
- You can now sort the columns on the deck listing page.
- Added a filter for the patch a deck was added in.
- The class filter now has a nice image interface and you can select multiple classes to sort by.
- Mobile users will be able to see some additional data that was hidden.
- Mobile users will be able to properly make use of the filters.
- You can now filter for Standard vs Wild Decks
- Do note that decks created before today are all currently marked as Standard. We will issue a hotfix to flag wild decks correctly.
- If you want to update your deck before we get that fix out, you can resave the cards for the deck by clicking on "Edit Cards" on the deck page and it will gain the correct flagging.
- Homepage Support Us
- A new box is at the bottom of the sidebar with easy links to accessing how you can support the site.
- As the sidebar gets more information added to it, this information will move to our site footer.
- Navigation Revamp
- The navigation on mobile now supports options for account management, profile, and sign out.
- Additional options have been added to each of the drop downs to make finding content easier.
- Decks now has dropdown options. They will take you to the top decks, newest decks, deck guides, and dedicated links for class-specific decks.
- Deck Pages
- Now state if a deck is Standard or Wild under the Format box.
- A placeholder for "Your Cost" has been added. We don't have an exact timeline for the feature but we wanted to make sure people know it is coming and that they can expect it.
Bug Fixes
- All staff should now have blue usernames.
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June has arrived and so have more updates to Out of Cards!
New Features
Bug Fixes
Founder, Out of Games
Follow me on Twitch and Twitter.
If you are planning on playing WoW on US realms, consider using my recruit link =)
Outstanding Move
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Clearly the biggest and most important change here. I missed my small derpcorn flair icon.
This update is what I wanted the most. Now, it's as if I'm surfing on Hearthpwn but better. Thank you Flux and the dear Staff.
Just in case you need feedback/bug reports regarding the recent update, I'm posting here for convenience:
Have a good day!
Nice changes. I hope soon to get tons of decks to start own the ladder :P
This has been fixed now, 9 of them were for different classes and I've now added the class name after each one. The last remaining one is Neutral, which was meant to be the general Unknown for all classes but at least for now it doesn't work like that.
That's good to hear. Thank you, Frosty. So, is it possible to change "Is Standard" to "Deck Format Type"? Pretty please?