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I changed my mind on MTG Arena

Submitted 5 years ago by

I have posted in the past that MTG Arena is in a pale comparison to the table top version, which is still true, but I played it much much more and started to like it much more at the moment. Of course when I get home I'm going to go back to playing Hearthstone with the new buffs to cards but I have grown to love both games quite a bit now.

At first I found MTG Arena to be really expensive, and it still is, but the game really awards you much more than Hearthstone for playing more. Hearthstone only gets you 1 quest per day but MTG Arena can give you many rewards in one day. I have grown to really enjoy the constant wave of free packs from just playing the game. However it is extremely needed due to decks needing 4 copies of the same card and having no disenchant system in place.

I do wonder how they will handle the system when there is a new rotation of cards. Hopefully they implement a similar system to allow everyone access to certain cards for free and let people unlock new decks to add card their new collection.  Either way the new player experience on MTG Arena is a great experience and gives you a great number of cards to start you off. Hearthstone in comparison has a horrible new player experience. There is almost no way to actually make any somewhat viable deck with the tools they give you compared to Magic Arena.

After heavy use of both I have to give it to MTG Arena for new players. I've been giving an extremely biased position to Hearthstone and my endless resources and collection I have. I can honestly see Hearthstone going into a really bad place if they don't change the new player experience compared to the competition. 

However MTG Arena has a horrible meta at the moment compared to Hearthstone. Hearthstone at the current moment has the best meta compared to Duel links and MTG Arena. Once a rotation happens this might all change.

  • Kronos's Avatar
    45 40 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    I have posted in the past that MTG Arena is in a pale comparison to the table top version, which is still true, but I played it much much more and started to like it much more at the moment. Of course when I get home I'm going to go back to playing Hearthstone with the new buffs to cards but I have grown to love both games quite a bit now.

    At first I found MTG Arena to be really expensive, and it still is, but the game really awards you much more than Hearthstone for playing more. Hearthstone only gets you 1 quest per day but MTG Arena can give you many rewards in one day. I have grown to really enjoy the constant wave of free packs from just playing the game. However it is extremely needed due to decks needing 4 copies of the same card and having no disenchant system in place.

    I do wonder how they will handle the system when there is a new rotation of cards. Hopefully they implement a similar system to allow everyone access to certain cards for free and let people unlock new decks to add card their new collection.  Either way the new player experience on MTG Arena is a great experience and gives you a great number of cards to start you off. Hearthstone in comparison has a horrible new player experience. There is almost no way to actually make any somewhat viable deck with the tools they give you compared to Magic Arena.

    After heavy use of both I have to give it to MTG Arena for new players. I've been giving an extremely biased position to Hearthstone and my endless resources and collection I have. I can honestly see Hearthstone going into a really bad place if they don't change the new player experience compared to the competition. 

    However MTG Arena has a horrible meta at the moment compared to Hearthstone. Hearthstone at the current moment has the best meta compared to Duel links and MTG Arena. Once a rotation happens this might all change.

  • W0lfr1c's Avatar
    210 128 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    I loved to play MTG in the past :-). My pro cap is in the drawer ^^.    I did never look at MTG Arena due to a sole reason. I don´t want to pay a single cent when i have a full collection of all tourney cards 4 times LoL ...

  • Kronos's Avatar
    45 40 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years ago
    Quote From W0lfr1c

    I loved to play MTG in the past :-). My pro cap is in the drawer ^^.    I did never look at MTG Arena due to a sole reason. I don´t want to pay a single cent when i have a full collection of all tourney cards 4 times LoL ...

    You honestly don't have to. I only spent 5 dollars for the welcome bundle and I have more than enough to build a viable deck.

  • Lenlac's Avatar
    130 64 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Did you use the free pack codes? I grind for two weeks and I was able to craft mono-red aggro. Now grinding to get Esper Control (which might take a month or so.) I have a some what ramp/heal/control deck but highly inconsistent.

    MTG Arena noob.

  • hatty's Avatar
    Face Collector 805 93 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    i played it for 2-3 weeks and enjoyed it but then quit because i don't fancy the ftp grind again like i did with hearthstone

    Gets to legend then plays memes.

    Rogue > all

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    The FTP grind with MtG is sooooo much easier than Hearthstone and much more rewarding. 
    I have only played for a month and feel like I already have a fairly substantial collection and haven't spent a penny on the game.

    It's really not as horribly slow and grindy as Hearthstone, so I would recommend keeping going with it - you get (usually) at least a pack a day (and more), so it feels like good progression - whereas with Hearthstone you can barely make a noticable addition - probably due to Hearthstone being so limited on cards, etc.

  • RandomGuy's Avatar
    430 614 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    MTG:A is really the first true competitor to HS. I don't see it going the way of Artifact. As such, I imagine HS will continue to evolve and tweak it's new player/F2P experience to compete.

    You can see that it already has in a lot of ways. We get far more free packs than we did 3-4 years ago. There are a number of free legendaries that are given away each cycle. They're introducing more cosmetics than they've had in years in order to give people who want to spend money something to spend their money on. etc.

  • FortyDust's Avatar
    Pumpkin 1205 1912 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years ago
    Quote From Scorpyon

    The FTP grind with MtG is sooooo much easier than Hearthstone and much more rewarding. 
    I have only played for a month and feel like I already have a fairly substantial collection and haven't spent a penny on the game.

    It's really not as horribly slow and grindy as Hearthstone, so I would recommend keeping going with it - you get (usually) at least a pack a day (and more), so it feels like good progression - whereas with Hearthstone you can barely make a noticable addition - probably due to Hearthstone being so limited on cards, etc.

    I know MTG feels generous, but in reality the number of cards you get compared to what you will need for a competitive deck is pitiful.

    I tried MTG earlier this year, grinding for free for a while. It didn't take me long to realize I would never in a million years have a competitive collection until I dropped some cash -- the lack of a crafting system ensures that. I actually applaud their decision to prohibit the player from destroying his own cards, but trust me, as f2p you will never get enough wild cards to make all the rares you need for a truly good deck.

    I finally did fork over some money -- about the same as I would spend on a Hearthstone expansion, just to be fair -- and things got better. I was able to make the decks I wanted, more or less, but I still quit eventually, due to my personal problems with the game itself.

    So in summary, the "generosity" of MTG is an illusion; the game itself is not terrible, but I'm personally not a fan.

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years ago
    Quote From FortyDust
    Quote From Scorpyon

    The FTP grind with MtG is sooooo much easier than Hearthstone and much more rewarding. 
    I have only played for a month and feel like I already have a fairly substantial collection and haven't spent a penny on the game.

    It's really not as horribly slow and grindy as Hearthstone, so I would recommend keeping going with it - you get (usually) at least a pack a day (and more), so it feels like good progression - whereas with Hearthstone you can barely make a noticable addition - probably due to Hearthstone being so limited on cards, etc.

    I know MTG feels generous, but in reality the number of cards you get compared to what you will need for a competitive deck is pitiful.

    I tried MTG earlier this year, grinding for free for a while. It didn't take me long to realize I would never in a million years have a competitive collection until I dropped some cash -- the lack of a crafting system ensures that. I actually applaud their decision to prohibit the player from destroying his own cards, but trust me, as f2p you will never get enough wild cards to make all the rares you need for a truly good deck.

    I finally did fork over some money -- about the same as I would spend on a Hearthstone expansion, just to be fair -- and things got better. I was able to make the decks I wanted, more or less, but I still quit eventually, due to my personal problems with the game itself.

    So in summary, the "generosity" of MTG is an illusion; the game itself is not terrible, but I'm personally not a fan.

    Agree to disagree? (Since the "generosity" of the game is pretty much based on personal subjectivity to each player individually)

    For me, I find it to be much more gratifying and engaging than Hearrthstone - this is partly because the amount of choice you have in what you are given means that there are constantly new decks to explore and I rarely see the same deck multiple times in a row, which already trumps Hearthstone, just for that small mercy!

    And not to mention, that though it may seem that there's a bigger mountain to climb in Magic from the outside, as your collection grows, that mountain gets ever smaller, but the amount of choice and variety, doesn't - this means that slowly but surely, Magic eges ever further forward ahead of Hearthstone in terms of gameplay and accessibility.

  • Awildmann's Avatar
    70 16 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    I've been enjoying it a lot and swapping it with HS a lot lately. There's a lot of freedom in decks you want to build (as mtg has always been) and there's a ton of game modes. I wish HS could consider some of the modes they have, such as traditional ranking (with 2 best out of 3 games) and so on.

  • Awildmann's Avatar
    70 16 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Yeah HS got even less played for me lately. Obligatory quests and done. I've been enjoying MTG a lot more and never getting salty with it, it's amazing. Poor HS, I might even not buy any pre-orders this time around. :(

  • thepowrofcheese's Avatar
    210 108 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I’d love to try MTG arena but I can’t play it on mobile / iPad, and I don’t have a computer.

    I make bad custom Hearthstone cards sometimes.

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From Scorpyon
    Quote From FortyDust
    Quote From Scorpyon

    The FTP grind with MtG is sooooo much easier than Hearthstone and much more rewarding. 
    I have only played for a month and feel like I already have a fairly substantial collection and haven't spent a penny on the game.

    It's really not as horribly slow and grindy as Hearthstone, so I would recommend keeping going with it - you get (usually) at least a pack a day (and more), so it feels like good progression - whereas with Hearthstone you can barely make a noticable addition - probably due to Hearthstone being so limited on cards, etc.

    I know MTG feels generous, but in reality the number of cards you get compared to what you will need for a competitive deck is pitiful.

    I tried MTG earlier this year, grinding for free for a while. It didn't take me long to realize I would never in a million years have a competitive collection until I dropped some cash -- the lack of a crafting system ensures that. I actually applaud their decision to prohibit the player from destroying his own cards, but trust me, as f2p you will never get enough wild cards to make all the rares you need for a truly good deck.

    I finally did fork over some money -- about the same as I would spend on a Hearthstone expansion, just to be fair -- and things got better. I was able to make the decks I wanted, more or less, but I still quit eventually, due to my personal problems with the game itself.

    So in summary, the "generosity" of MTG is an illusion; the game itself is not terrible, but I'm personally not a fan.

    Agree to disagree? (Since the "generosity" of the game is pretty much based on personal subjectivity to each player individually)

    For me, I find it to be much more gratifying and engaging than Hearrthstone - this is partly because the amount of choice you have in what you are given means that there are constantly new decks to explore and I rarely see the same deck multiple times in a row, which already trumps Hearthstone, just for that small mercy!

    And not to mention, that though it may seem that there's a bigger mountain to climb in Magic from the outside, as your collection grows, that mountain gets ever smaller, but the amount of choice and variety, doesn't - this means that slowly but surely, Magic eges ever further forward ahead of Hearthstone in terms of gameplay and accessibility.

    I always enjoy this statement.  "agree to disagree".  It's essentially laymen for "I don't like your opinion, and need to say as much, but I'm at least trying to be civil about it".

    Generosity is actually NOT subjective though.  If MTG:A requires ~4 times as many cards to create a competitive deck and you're getting ~2-3x as many packs as you would in hearthstone the exchange rate is still roughly equal between the two games.

     I'm not saying either of you can't enjoy different games, but threads like these don't generally foster senses of kinship between different groups of card-gamers and instead seem to create more division between the two... 

    Accessibility is also not an adjective I would use to describe MTG:A.  If anything that describes hearthstone moreso than it does MTG, simply because while hearthstone does have simplier interactions, it's an easier game to pickup and play and get to understand on a basic level than MTG:A ever would be.

    So no, I have to vehemently disagree that MTG:A is not accessible, not by any imagined circumstantial use of the word.

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  • Lenlac's Avatar
    130 64 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    HS is still fun here and there. However I do not enjoy it nearly as much as MTG. I think that the point of MTG is that you can only focus on a few decks instead of every single card in the game. I mainly play casual and get to Diamond on Ladder. In casual there are a lot of decks to play against, I play around with the collection I have. I did use about $150. (I have spent about $600 in Hearthstone over the last four years. There a lot of dead cards in HS that never see play at all.)

    I looked around and drafted with a purpose not 100% to win every run but to create the decks I wanted. Took a while to decide what I wanted to choose. I decided on Mono-Red, Feather and Simic Ramp. I was able to get those decks with in three weeks. I had about 8 drafts that went 5-7 wins, which make it a profit or break even ( I also had some 1-2 wins.)

    I did a lot of reading and learning in order to get what I wanted. Mainly my idea was to get a control deck (ramp simic), Midrange (feather), aggro mono-red.

    I am going to wait and see if i want to chase after white winnie or just save for Esper (but they are loosing a few key tools in the fall.) I refuse to craft anything that will rotate in the fall.

    There will not be any money spent on HS anymore. The main reason I played HS was because of mobile however playing complex decks on mobile is just too much. So now that I play on my computer MTG is the way to go.




    MTG Arena noob.

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