Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

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Noob incoming !

Submitted 4 years, 8 months ago by

Hello folks. I'm much interested in this game but didn't join closed beta, so I'll start with Open. Got a couple of questions :

- Is Karma any good ? From what I saw she's the closest from my favorite playstyles (random value generation such as HS burgle rogue, ramp decks such as most shadowverse Dragoncraft decks, midrange/control decks). I don't expect top tier stuff, I just wanna know if I can mess with her without expecting abysmal results.

- Same question for Jinx (Self Discard mechanic, mostly. And madness. Because eh. Madness.).

- How is the ingame currency earned ? I hate both HS and Shadowverse systems because they tend to focus on winning, which can really quickly get infuriating when you're playing a slow deck (also often harder to play than the faster counterparts).

- Can you expect to build a full deck within reasonable playtime ? I usually play 2 class at most in a CCG (since LoR is "dual classes" with regions I expect to play from 3 to 4 of them). I'd prolly be satisfied with 2 serious deck and 3-4 meme decks.

Thanks in advance !

  • Kinxil's Avatar
    105 29 Posts Joined 01/15/2020
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Hello folks. I'm much interested in this game but didn't join closed beta, so I'll start with Open. Got a couple of questions :

    - Is Karma any good ? From what I saw she's the closest from my favorite playstyles (random value generation such as HS burgle rogue, ramp decks such as most shadowverse Dragoncraft decks, midrange/control decks). I don't expect top tier stuff, I just wanna know if I can mess with her without expecting abysmal results.

    - Same question for Jinx (Self Discard mechanic, mostly. And madness. Because eh. Madness.).

    - How is the ingame currency earned ? I hate both HS and Shadowverse systems because they tend to focus on winning, which can really quickly get infuriating when you're playing a slow deck (also often harder to play than the faster counterparts).

    - Can you expect to build a full deck within reasonable playtime ? I usually play 2 class at most in a CCG (since LoR is "dual classes" with regions I expect to play from 3 to 4 of them). I'd prolly be satisfied with 2 serious deck and 3-4 meme decks.

    Thanks in advance !

  • Marega's Avatar
    620 872 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    I can't exactly say much cause even tho i played it it just wasnt enough to give u a good advice. But i dig your enthusiasm. Good luck and i'll see u in the game 

  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From Kinxil

    Hello folks. I'm much interested in this game but didn't join closed beta, so I'll start with Open. Got a couple of questions :

    - Is Karma any good ? From what I saw she's the closest from my favorite playstyles (random value generation such as HS burgle rogue, ramp decks such as most shadowverse Dragoncraft decks, midrange/control decks). I don't expect top tier stuff, I just wanna know if I can mess with her without expecting abysmal results.


    Thanks in advance !

    Didn't mess up with karma too much but people who I saw that played the game or reviewed it said karma is quite good, It's not my playstyle so I can't tell how good she actually is.

    Quote From Kinxil
    - Same question for Jinx (Self Discard mechanic, mostly. And madness. Because eh. Madness.).

    Jinx was very good when draven was a 4/3 and there was a 6 mana 3/3 that dealt nexus damage + drew 3 cards + discarded the hand.. it was insane, after the nerfs the deck is ok.. but not as insane as it was before it was nerfed.. which was insane like jinx... glad it got nerfed though.

    Quote From Kinxil
    - How is the ingame currency earned ? I hate both HS and Shadowverse systems because they tend to focus on winning, which can really quickly get infuriating when you're playing a slow deck (also often harder to play than the faster counterparts).

    You earn the currency for playing, you can still get progress even if you lose but only 1/4 of the xp you get from winning also you can progress fully by playing against ai but again, you get much less than from pvp, as far as I saw there's no reward for playing longer games.

    Quote From Kinxil
    - Can you expect to build a full deck within reasonable playtime ? I usually play 2 class at most in a CCG (since LoR is "dual classes" with regions I expect to play from 3 to 4 of them). I'd prolly be satisfied with 2 serious deck and 3-4 meme decks.

    there isn't too much in game currency in the game, you got limited tokens to buy cards if you want to "P2W" but you mostly build up your collection by following a region and unlocking cards from that region, there are also weekly vaults of cards where you should get a lot of cards/dust there is a crafting system similar to HS with both dust and a currency called "wild cards" which let you craft specific tier cards and you get them from rewards (Region rewards with xp) or from vault or from the arena mode ("expendition") which in my opinion is amazingly done.

    Anyway riot's policy with league is that the gameplay aspects can be earned in a reasonable time as f2p they mostly sell skins/esports/events,but the gameplay and competitiviness of the player is mostly on the time they spent rather than money.


  • Kinxil's Avatar
    105 29 Posts Joined 01/15/2020
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Thanks for the informations 

  • FortyDust's Avatar
    Pumpkin 1205 1912 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Karma is actually so good that a few streamers speculated that she might see the nerf bat before open beta. (I wouldn't go that far, but I do think it's a great card.)

    Jinx is powerful, but she requires a fairly specific build because emptying your hand at the right moment is not as easy as you might think. Great fun to play, but not terribly flexible in terms of archetype.

  • meisterz39's Avatar
    925 1200 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    For what it's worth, there are 20+ cards getting patched, and until we see those patch notes, it will be hard to assert that any previous strategy/champion is good/competitive.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 990 1489 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Karma is good in some type of decks.

    In ramp/combo decks for example exactly with Dawn and Dusk. Doubling spells at 10 mana is such a huge combo potential.

    Her random spell generating has some potential with Heimerdinger and Purrsuit of Perfection. I can't be so sure because we don't know what top tier decks will be but Heimerdinger/Karma/Ezreal with Purrsuit of Perfection (Cataclysm) will be my first target in open beta. I have tried it in previews and had quite well winrates.

    Also [Hearthstone Card (Ashe) Not Found]/Karma decks are quite good because most of Frostbite cards have additional effects if the target is already frostbitten. That deck is quite well like how Freeze Mage is. Simply tries your opponent wait until you wind your win condition.

    Jinx is also quite well with Draven for the deck that has high pressure. There are cards that does something when you discard like give all minions +1 attack or summon a 1/1 or a minion that is summoned when discarded. So if you like aggro decks, you can give it a try. I also tried my Draven/Jinx deck in previews. It has good win rates too. It has also some advantages against aggro decks. My list is here; https://outof.cards/legends-of-runeterra/decks/62-super-mega-death-dravenjinx-discardaggro-deck

    You can expect to build bunch of full decks with lesser playtime it seems because of Regional system. That gives the player to great opportunity to focus on the regions you want to play and I've almost done 1 region in 10 days in previews. Keep that in mind I played with 2 accounts and I would probably complete one of the regions' reward tree if i completely continue on one account.

    Also you can build completely different decks with only two regions. Allegiance keyword gives some opportunities to go for a mono deck aswell and Champions have different themes mostly so that makes some diversity for even double region decks. For example; while Ashe(Freljord)/Karma(Ionia) deck is like a Freeze Mage without ramp, Anivia(Freljord)/Tryndamere(Freljord)/Karma(Ionia) deck have completely different aspects of archetypes. It is more like a ramp/combo deck.

    Unpopular Opinion Incarnate

  • Bystekhilcar's Avatar
    270 335 Posts Joined 09/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    In my view, Karma pre-Enlighten is actually really quite weak. Her base stats are really low for a random generation effect. The trouble is, her Enlightened effect is oppressively strong in a deck built to use it, so she's very much the late-game time burner. A hard card to balance, really, but I can't help but think she'll be far too slow in a more competitive meta (which we haven't seen up til now) - by contrast, look at the level of value you're getting from Avarosan Hearthguard at the same mana point.

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  • Kinxil's Avatar
    105 29 Posts Joined 01/15/2020
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Thanks for the tips. Purrsuit of Perfection caught my interest, I love the idea and highlander like decks, I'll prolly try it when enough expansion hit and that an highlander deck has a least a bit of consistency.

  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From Kinxil

    Thanks for the tips. Purrsuit of Perfection caught my interest, I love the idea and highlander like decks, I'll prolly try it when enough expansion hit and that an highlander deck has a least a bit of consistency.

    Actually my first read from that card was not highlander, but card generation (karma mostly)

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 990 1489 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From DoubleSummon
    Quote From Kinxil

    Thanks for the tips. Purrsuit of Perfection caught my interest, I love the idea and highlander like decks, I'll prolly try it when enough expansion hit and that an highlander deck has a least a bit of consistency.

    Actually my first read from that card was not highlander, but card generation (karma mostly)

    Same and with Heimerdinger. I've used this deck in previews, it was so fun to play.


    2 copies were enough to summon Cataclysm with random spells from Karma and turrets from Heimerdinger. Btw someimes, you just win without Cataclysm thanks to Heimerdinger and Ezreal shenanigans.

    Unpopular Opinion Incarnate

  • SchitJustWorks's Avatar
    95 26 Posts Joined 12/23/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From Kinxil

    Thanks for the tips. Purrsuit of Perfection caught my interest, I love the idea and highlander like decks, I'll prolly try it when enough expansion hit and that an highlander deck has a least a bit of consistency.

    I seriously hope Purrsuit of Perfection is somehow able to create it's own OTK sort of deck. This would not only be fun, but absolutely hysterical and great for the game! haha

  • OldManSanns's Avatar
    Azir 1040 924 Posts Joined 08/05/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From Kinxil

    - Can you expect to build a full deck within reasonable playtime ? I usually play 2 class at most in a CCG (since LoR is "dual classes" with regions I expect to play from 3 to 4 of them). I'd prolly be satisfied with 2 serious deck and 3-4 meme decks.

    "Reasonable" and "serious" are relative terms, but I'll hazard to answer regardless: Yes, but probably not the specific decks you originally wanted to play.  E.g.: you ask about Karma, but unless you get very lucky with your rewards it will probably be a lot of playtime and consumables to make the proper deck around her.  Jinx is a slightly different story, since you'll get 2 of her and a lot of support in your starter decks.  Long story short: if you tailor your plans around what cards you randomly open, you'll get much better mileage than if you try to force a specific champion/decklist.

  • Kinxil's Avatar
    105 29 Posts Joined 01/15/2020
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From OldManSanns
    Quote From Kinxil

    - Can you expect to build a full deck within reasonable playtime ? I usually play 2 class at most in a CCG (since LoR is "dual classes" with regions I expect to play from 3 to 4 of them). I'd prolly be satisfied with 2 serious deck and 3-4 meme decks.

    "Reasonable" and "serious" are relative terms, but I'll hazard to answer regardless: Yes, but probably not the specific decks you originally wanted to play.  E.g.: you ask about Karma, but unless you get very lucky with your rewards it will probably be a lot of playtime and consumables to make the proper deck around her.  Jinx is a slightly different story, since you'll get 2 of her and a lot of support in your starter decks.  Long story short: if you tailor your plans around what cards you randomly open, you'll get much better mileage than if you try to force a specific champion/decklist.

    That's a bit of a bummer, but I read somewhere it was Riot intention to make it slow, I can't really blame them. The good news is that if meta is slower and it does reduce the chance that I encounter netdecks, I may consider fiddling around with Purrfect card as the only card I do craft and fill the rest so my chance to play 20 different cards are fair enough.

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 599 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    High five man! :D

    If you want to pursuit the path of Purrfection, I recommend crafting Back alley Barkeep and Counterfeit Copies to get an amazgin combo for value generation. The cards you get are oddly consistent, as you get mostly from your chosen regions.

    "Truth is in the shadows, waiting to be revealed by the light. But light only disperses the shadow." - Me

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