Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

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Which region are you most excited to play?

Submitted 5 years ago by

Legends of Runeterra has 6 different regions that you can use to build decks with. You may build a deck with one region of cards or two.

Here are each of their playstyles from what I've seen so far.

Shadow Isles

Lots of death and resurrection!


Control. The mechanic "Recall" forces units back to your opponent's hand.

Piltover & Zaun

Tons of spells!


Large armies with buff mechanics. Just hanging out with your friends.


Aggro. Enjoy cards that can't be blocked and only serve to go face.


Freezing. Plenty of control through Frostbite which sets the power (attack) of a unit to 0.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3127 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 5 years ago

    Legends of Runeterra has 6 different regions that you can use to build decks with. You may build a deck with one region of cards or two.

    Here are each of their playstyles from what I've seen so far.

    Shadow Isles

    Lots of death and resurrection!


    Control. The mechanic "Recall" forces units back to your opponent's hand.

    Piltover & Zaun

    Tons of spells!


    Large armies with buff mechanics. Just hanging out with your friends.


    Aggro. Enjoy cards that can't be blocked and only serve to go face.


    Freezing. Plenty of control through Frostbite which sets the power (attack) of a unit to 0.

    Founder, Out of Games

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    If you are planning on playing WoW on US realms, consider using my recruit link =)

  • Wakubika's Avatar
    Child of Galakrond 155 28 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Shadow Isles seems hella fun. Also just really excited to see you guys expanding to cover LoR as well.

    No Swain no gain

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    and much like in the real game, Noxus are just giant dickheads

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • GameTheory345's Avatar
    Island 475 386 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years ago
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare

    and much like in the real game, Noxus are just giant dickheads

    As someone who plays an unsettling amount of Talon and Darius, I take offense to your statement and will promptly take action by smashing a giant axe over your head.

    In honesty, I am a "dirty aggro player" in Hearthstone, so that will likely transition over to this game as well.


  • targus's Avatar
    190 79 Posts Joined 07/20/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    I’m with you. Face is the place, no matter the game.

  • Risen's Avatar
    145 61 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years ago


  • Marega's Avatar
    620 872 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Just watched some Trumps videos about the game. seems a real contender. The economy will be decisive. And the timing of announcement as left many HS dissidents (consequence of the HK incident) excited for it. It has the brand, it has the looks, the hype the best mechanics from HS and MtG without the land system plus a new mana spell system. It has all the ingredients. It will live or die by the game's economy which at first glance seem very friendly too f2p.

    I gotta be honest, after Artifact bombing hard and all games of this genre being a step or two behind HS i have some doubts about this one as well HOWEVER it does seem promising and we may be on the edge of a new digital TCG king.

  • Meteorite12's Avatar
    670 696 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    I’ve heard too many games being labeled as the Hearthstone killer (Eternal, Elder Scrolls, Gwent, Arena, as well as a few others I’m probably forgetting about) to have much hope in this one.

    The aesthetic of the game doesn’t really do it for me, just looks a lot like Eternal to me. Might try it out, might sign up and then just forget to ever play like I did with Gwent

    Who needs consistency when you could have fun?

  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years ago
    Quote From Marega

    Just watched some Trumps videos about the game. seems a real contender. The economy will be decisive. And the timing of announcement as left many HS dissidents (consequence of the HK incident) excited for it. It has the brand, it has the looks, the hype the best mechanics from HS and MtG without the land system plus a new mana spell system. It has all the ingredients. It will live or die by the game's economy which at first glance seem very friendly too f2p.

    I gotta be honest, after Artifact bombing hard and all games of this genre being a step or two behind HS i have some doubts about this one as well HOWEVER it does seem promising and we may be on the edge of a new digital TCG king.

    Don't worry about the economy it's riot game(now riot games pog) we are talking about they tend to be very F2P friendly as league is.. if there are a lot of complains they will actually do something as opposed to blizzard..

  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    I will shamelessly double post to actually comment. 

    I want to play SI the most I main jungle in league as well as support, and hecarim, Elise and thresh are among my favorite champions also it's a region which specializes on token spam which is kind of the warlock speciality (zoo) so I am going to start there with an elise/lalista deck probably or hecarim/kalista

    Kalista looks really broken tbh. 

  • GameTheory345's Avatar
    Island 475 386 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    My problem with this game is that there are only so many champions in League, and only so many regions. Unlike Hearthstone which is based on WoW, a massive expanse with vast territories to explore and delve into, LoR is limited to the base game itself. They can only add so many champions to LoR, before they have to start making new ones completely from scratch, which at that point would split it from it's roots in League (which may be a good or bad thing). I feel like LoR will be a strong competitor for Hearthstone (highly doubt it would be the new CCG king, given all the previous supposed Hearthstone "killers"), but unless they come up with a way to compete with Hearthstone's expansion system, the game will become stagnangt.


  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years ago
    Quote From GameTheory345

    My problem with this game is that there are only so many champions in League, and only so many regions. Unlike Hearthstone which is based on WoW, a massive expanse with vast territories to explore and delve into, LoR is limited to the base game itself. They can only add so many champions to LoR, before they have to start making new ones completely from scratch, which at that point would split it from it's roots in League (which may be a good or bad thing). I feel like LoR will be a strong competitor for Hearthstone (highly doubt it would be the new CCG king, given all the previous supposed Hearthstone "killers"), but unless they come up with a way to compete with Hearthstone's expansion system, the game will become stagnangt.

    First of all there are only 24 Champs in the game right now out of 146 (with senna confirmed) so there are a few years before they reach the "no more champion space" apart from that they can easily use skins of champions as new cards as they did in tft, is pantheon a dragon? No but in his dragon slayer skin he could be, and there are around 1k skins in league so.. The design space in no problem.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3127 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 5 years ago
    Quote From GameTheory345

    My problem with this game is that there are only so many champions in League, and only so many regions. Unlike Hearthstone which is based on WoW, a massive expanse with vast territories to explore and delve into, LoR is limited to the base game itself. They can only add so many champions to LoR, before they have to start making new ones completely from scratch, which at that point would split it from it's roots in League (which may be a good or bad thing). I feel like LoR will be a strong competitor for Hearthstone (highly doubt it would be the new CCG king, given all the previous supposed Hearthstone "killers"), but unless they come up with a way to compete with Hearthstone's expansion system, the game will become stagnangt.

    I actually think that this is the perfect opportunity for Riot to introduce new champions into the official lore without needing them to be represented in League of Legends. It is not really much of a secret that Riot has been working on an MMO, which needs a ton of rich lore, so by using that story and those characters in the card game, they can teach people more about the world and then when it comes time to explore that world like one does with the Warcraft universe and World of Warcraft, it will be that much more familiar to players and honestly, great for building bonds.

    It would also make their introduction into League of Legends in the future that much more exciting. Riot has some really special stuff in their hands and I'm really excited to see how they build out this world.

    Founder, Out of Games

    Follow me on Twitch and Twitter.
    If you are planning on playing WoW on US realms, consider using my recruit link =)

  • forgloryus's Avatar
    Design Finalist 305 87 Posts Joined 03/22/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    There actually was quite a bit of story initially when they had the newsletter with stories going into more detail of the war between Noxus & Demacia along with all the other factions until they stopped. Now that I think about it I missed Nikasaur after she left because the community spotlight was great. Haven't touched LoL in years but was mostly attached to the flavor of characters from Piltover so perhaps I'll start off there.

  • CableKnight's Avatar
    Rexxar 405 187 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Freljord! I wanna play some dumb combo decks.

    Gosh dang it, cards bad.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1504 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    I loved Ionia, It felt like Mage/Rogue combination most of times for me because i have played so much Karma in this preview. Also liked Piltover/Zaun because of Heimerdinger shenanigans. Playing Karma/Heimerdinger/Ezreal deck with Cataclysm is a lot of fun. It seems my favorites will be Ionia and Piltover&Zaun.

    Rogue is my favorite class in hs after all. :D

    Ah and also Akali will be in Ionia so I can't decide another Region. :)

    Unpopular Opinion Incarnate

  • neuroblass's Avatar
    160 4 Posts Joined 08/06/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    LoR seems very exciting, I loved the visuals and the animations. I guess it took some time to get used to the UI, but nothing too different from starting a new CCG. I had the feeling, at the end of the preview, that I had seen practically everything there was to it even though I didn't play very much, probably because it can't compare to the vast collection of cards that Hearthstone has, but I'm willing to give this game a try in the future, since I think it's pretty entertaining and has a lot of potential going forward.


    I had fun with a Hecarim/Zed ephemeral-based deck at the start, but since I'm not such a huge fan of aggro I gravitated towards an Ezreal/Heimerdinger Spell-based deck, and I LOVED IT. In the majority of the games I played, I would depend more on Ezreal and his spell-slinging damage ability, but Heimer always brought a refreshing feeling with his mech building. Corina Veraza became my favorite card due to her absolute power as a control minion, as well as her flavor text that explores her research in botany and a contrast to Piltover's obsession with machines. (I love the steampunk theme of Piltover and Zaun though).



  • FortyDust's Avatar
    Pumpkin 1205 1912 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    Before the LoR beta, I had no idea there was so much lore behind LoL. MOBAs don't interest me at all, so I'd never had a reason to look into it. But wow, there's a lot to digest! I've been happily reading up on everything so I can be caught up for open beta and full launch in 2020.

    To answer the original question: Ezreal is my favorite hero, and I love me some spells, so I definitely see some P&Z in my future. And since Yasuo is my other favorite, I'm sure I'll try a fair amount of Ionia. Will I smash the two together? Probably, but only time will tell.

  • SchitJustWorks's Avatar
    95 26 Posts Joined 12/23/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    By far Noxus! I really want to mess around with the self-damaging combo's again - the Crimson engine is just so damn fun!

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    (With the open beta less than a week away, I thought I'd try to revive the thread)

    I want to play cards from the Shadow Isles and Demacia the most. I like to build large armies and win with my minions, and these regions speak to that the most it seems. Champion-wise I'm looking at Elise for spider decks, and Fiora for...well, for a Fiora deck heh. They don't really go together, though.

    Edit: I also love to control stuff, so I'm thinking of combining Fiora with Ashe. Still waiting for one of my favorite champions - Lissandra - to make an appearance!

  • GerritDeMan's Avatar
    Unicorn Reveler 525 264 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    My two favorites are definitely Ionia and Pilltover & Zaun. My favorite deck during the preview patches was a spell based deck with Karma and/or Heimerdinger and/or Ezreal. There were so many directions you could go while playing that deck. Sometimes I'd go crazy with heimerdinger and create an endless army of turrets, sometimes Ezreal would upgrade and burst the opponent to death, sometimes Karma would go crazy and provide tons of value, and often a combination of those champions would work great together and do the trick.

    My favorite moment playing the deck was when I created an insane amount of value thanks to Karma, but my opponent was still able to keep up and it was a very tense game. However, I was able to get and activate a Purrsuit of Perfection with a leveled up Karma on the board, creating two Cataclysms which were of course quite difficult for my opponent to deal with. I even remember seeing that card for the first time the day before and thinking "wow that's really cool but it's probably going to take a while before I see that happening". I was very happen to be proven wrong about that.

  • Bystekhilcar's Avatar
    270 335 Posts Joined 09/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    I'll be testing my SI/Noxus 'undying aggression' deck first and foremost. After that I'll probably want to branch out into Demacia and Freljord as a control player at heart (read: too greedy and too easily bored to spam aggro games for long).

    Honestly just looking forward to exploring a new card game. The shiny 'new game' lustre will fade pretty quickly, but it's still one more place to go for my card games fix.

    I see you when you're sleeping; I'm gone before you wake

    I'm not as good as turn 4 Barnes; But I'm at least a Twilight Drake

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