Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

1 Characters

wtf? Commander Ledros?

Submitted 4 years, 5 months ago by

not sure how to defend against this.  was ahead 18 to 7, and then the other player threw down commander ledros every turn taking me down to 4 hp.  :/

it seems rather broken considering it took me 5 turns just to get my offense working.  


  • blu789's Avatar
    40 1 Posts Joined 01/31/2020
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    not sure how to defend against this.  was ahead 18 to 7, and then the other player threw down commander ledros every turn taking me down to 4 hp.  :/

    it seems rather broken considering it took me 5 turns just to get my offense working.  


  • Marega's Avatar
    620 872 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    actually no cause its an 8 drop. only works vs slower decks and another thing is that most ppl and rightfully so only use one card of him per deck which reduces the chances of drawing him. of course theres some tutor draw cards like the Bjerg from Freljord but yeah.

    its a powerfull card but thats what an epic 8 drop unit should look like in a game. i know its used as a win con but thats just what a control deck looks like or a midrange that includes a card that can win vs slower decks. If it is drawn

  • katiegervari's Avatar
    80 11 Posts Joined 01/28/2020
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    You can Purify it, or use Mageseeker Investigator, to remove Last Breath condition.

    While not as good as the creatures that silence in Hearthstone - they probably took a cue from the constants nerf to silence creatures due to cramping design space in that game - but the effect is still there in the game.

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