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Which cards do you think are the most UNDERpowered?

Submitted 4 years, 8 months ago by

We're 1 week in and there's already a bunch of threads debating whether or not Card X is overpowered or Y needs a nerf, so I thought it might be a Friday Fun topic to flip those conversations around and ask: which cards are you underwhelmed by?  What do you think is unplayable and/or could really use a buff?

I'll start.  I think Vladimir is the least impressive card in the set by a mile, followed by Kalista at a distant 2nd.  Both are nonexistent on ladder.  They're both champions--unlike say Mistwraith, where you can make the claim that the card is niche and isn't intended to be significant, these cards are suppose to be the high-impact tent poles that you build your decks around. 

For Vlad: I like their commitment to theme, but in practice dealing 1 damage to ALL your attacking minions BEFORE the opponent declares blockers is extremely costly, and the benefit of dealing a little nexus damage just isn't worth it.  He doesn't fit aggro strategies--he's too expensive--and he doesn't really fit tempo strategies because he just makes it too easy for your opponent to value trade.  I have seen theorycraft decks where you try to leverage his effect across pain-loving Frejlord minions, but they're basically a lot of setup for the chance at one big swing--way too slow for any conceivable meta, and even if you do somehow pull it off you don't have overwhelm so you're vulnerable to chump blocks.  They did at least buff him in the last patch such that his level up now includes damage to himself, but even if you level him he's just a 6/6 regen--basically a Level 2 Garen without the attack tokens. 

For Kalista: her bond use to make her invulnerable but they nerfed it to just giving +2/+0 for as long as she's alive and gave her fearsome.  The big problem here is that she still only has 2 health, so she dies to pretty much anything: challenger, mystic shot, avalanche, any blocker with 3+ attack, etc.  I don't think she's as bad as Vlad as you can at least still slot a few copies of her in any aggro-oriented deck and basically just use her as a well-statted 3-drop, but as peoples' collections fill out and better options become available I think she stops making the cut.

Full disclosure: I have opened 1 Vlad and 2 Kalista from my champions modules, so I am definitely biased.  :-P  What cards do you think are "teh weaksauce"?

  • OldManSanns's Avatar
    Azir 1040 924 Posts Joined 08/05/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    We're 1 week in and there's already a bunch of threads debating whether or not Card X is overpowered or Y needs a nerf, so I thought it might be a Friday Fun topic to flip those conversations around and ask: which cards are you underwhelmed by?  What do you think is unplayable and/or could really use a buff?

    I'll start.  I think Vladimir is the least impressive card in the set by a mile, followed by Kalista at a distant 2nd.  Both are nonexistent on ladder.  They're both champions--unlike say Mistwraith, where you can make the claim that the card is niche and isn't intended to be significant, these cards are suppose to be the high-impact tent poles that you build your decks around. 

    For Vlad: I like their commitment to theme, but in practice dealing 1 damage to ALL your attacking minions BEFORE the opponent declares blockers is extremely costly, and the benefit of dealing a little nexus damage just isn't worth it.  He doesn't fit aggro strategies--he's too expensive--and he doesn't really fit tempo strategies because he just makes it too easy for your opponent to value trade.  I have seen theorycraft decks where you try to leverage his effect across pain-loving Frejlord minions, but they're basically a lot of setup for the chance at one big swing--way too slow for any conceivable meta, and even if you do somehow pull it off you don't have overwhelm so you're vulnerable to chump blocks.  They did at least buff him in the last patch such that his level up now includes damage to himself, but even if you level him he's just a 6/6 regen--basically a Level 2 Garen without the attack tokens. 

    For Kalista: her bond use to make her invulnerable but they nerfed it to just giving +2/+0 for as long as she's alive and gave her fearsome.  The big problem here is that she still only has 2 health, so she dies to pretty much anything: challenger, mystic shot, avalanche, any blocker with 3+ attack, etc.  I don't think she's as bad as Vlad as you can at least still slot a few copies of her in any aggro-oriented deck and basically just use her as a well-statted 3-drop, but as peoples' collections fill out and better options become available I think she stops making the cut.

    Full disclosure: I have opened 1 Vlad and 2 Kalista from my champions modules, so I am definitely biased.  :-P  What cards do you think are "teh weaksauce"?

  • BlueSpark's Avatar
    180 193 Posts Joined 01/27/2020
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Good point on those 2 champions, I agree they're definitely among the weakest of the bunch.

    The only card that comes to mind right now for me is Trueshot Barrage. Only 6 damage for 7 mana on a slow spell seems absolutely horrible to me. Being able to split up the damage is kind of nice, but can also turn into a hindrance in cases where you want to target a big enemy with a lot of damage. I'd say the cost definitely needs to be reduced to 6 to make it an even remotely viable choice for a damage spell.

  • katiegervari's Avatar
    80 11 Posts Joined 01/28/2020
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    I haven't played with Ashe, but she has two really poor downsides - her 5/3 body doesn't seem to work well with her ability, and I don't understand why I have to use my next draw step to draw the Crystal Arrow when she levels up. You really need to have a lot go right in a game for this card to work. I've seen some pretty spectacular games with her, but I felt they were fairly selective.

  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From katiegervari

    I haven't played with Ashe, but she has two really poor downsides - her 5/3 body doesn't seem to work well with her ability, and I don't understand why I have to use my next draw step to draw the Crystal Arrow when she levels up. You really need to have a lot go right in a game for this card to work. I've seen some pretty spectacular games with her, but I felt they were fairly selective.

    You don't skip your draw, the arrow got "draw a card" attached to it.

    besides it's a card that has an actual cost of 5 if it was a stand alone card.

    Swim said Ashe decks are actually quite good specially vs elusives, dunno maybe you need 3 copies of ashe.

    I agree on Kalista she went from being an auto include to being really bad after the nerf even if she levels up she is not that scary.. needs a rework.. or quick attack back..

    I think Vladimir is ok, not tier 1 but braum + vlad is quite a potent deck if played right it's more trickstery/combo based build and I am sure you need 3 copies of both Vladimir and Braum to run that deck to it's fullest potential. (played it in the preview, did fine).

    I think the poros have been underwhelming didn't manage to make them work yet, I am sure they are also bad cause of Will of Ionia making the  heart of fluff really sad.. so ye.. they kinda suck..

    also Elites they seemed good at first but like Garen.. they are too straight forward and fair

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