Viable Poro deck?
Submitted 4 years, 11 months ago by
I have been trying to experiment with stuff one of them is poros, sadly I don't have all the poro cards or a third braum, but I tried to play it, I am quite sure it's not good enough and I am more unsure which second region fits the poro decks..
didn't get to play them in the preview, but I saw fluff got nerfed(think it was from 5 mana to 6) so there is probably a viable build somehow..
this is what I have so far:
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I have been trying to experiment with stuff one of them is poros, sadly I don't have all the poro cards or a third braum, but I tried to play it, I am quite sure it's not good enough and I am more unsure which second region fits the poro decks..
didn't get to play them in the preview, but I saw fluff got nerfed(think it was from 5 mana to 6) so there is probably a viable build somehow..
this is what I have so far:
I think Demacia is the wrong side class, probably should focus around Shadow Isles for the Croc or Noxus for Crowd Favorite. Tryndamere is probably not the champ you want either, probably Thresh,Vladimir(I've never tried him cuz I dont have him), or Elise? Harsh winds has 0 synergy in your deck. Radiant strike is bad here, war chefs is bad here, They Who Endure is really bad in this iteration of the deck, although if you went spiders and poros you might have something. Most of the Demacian cards you have in your deck do not synergize with Poros at all. In conclusion, half these cards should probably be replaced with better ones, if you are set on using poros.
If you really like the demacian cards in your deck, just run elites. Vanguard Sergeant is also a must if you have to use Demacia in this deck as well.
Also take this with a grain of salt because I'm not sure its gonna work, but you could try going mono class and using Avarosan Outsiders, with all the Elnuks and Yetis. You could even go barely Demacian to get Vanguard Redeemers and Vanguard Sergeants.
Yeah it's mostly a draft, didn't put too much thought into what exactly to put so I gone with "good cards"
demacia has really good spells like En Garde which is really good vs elusive, and Detain which I didn't include because I forgot to.
I have other decks, just really want to try and make a viable poro deck, and not a deck that happens to include poros which are the weaker part of the deck, but the focus of the deck being poros, tryndamere is kind of a filler card since there isn't too much card draw in the deck so you have to run high costed cards.. (by how the poro support cards are spread it's a midrange deck), don't have noxus cards almost at all.
Why war chefs are bad? this deck has a lot of 1/1s that should be able to trade..
I will try the spider approach (double tribal deck then..) wanted to try she they who endure with spiders anyway..
Demacia is there for the dawnspeakers as well cause it's a token deck.
I really think that Professor von Yipp might make a poro deck viable. You might consider him as an option. P&Z has good spells also. I will try it as soon as i collect 3x Professor von Yipps.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
By draft I meant I put stuff that seemed good for testing the deck, used cards I had without crafting more of them.
By focus I meant I wanted to make poro snax + buffing the poros and braum the main deal I guess it could be just a side strategy for now...
I gone with the spider strategy felt strong, except the poros XD, turns out spiders are good.
Might try yip if I get him I am currently slotted into P&Z as my reward region.
Because most opponents just aren't going to care about you turning a 1/1 into a 2/2--and if they do, it's probably not that hard for them to knock out the war chiefBADCARDNAME. I think War Chief really exists for synergies like Zed.
There's 2 basic strategies available: 1.) you can try to go wide and attempt to buff your poros into threats until you either get a killer Heart of the Fluft or huge Braum, or 2.) you treat your poros like cannon fodder. The difference between #1 and #2 is whether you try to keep the poros around for later value or you just try to cash them in aggressively. For #1 I actually do like Damacia, but I think you want things like Vanguard Sergeant and Redoubled Valor for your Braum. For #2 I think Shadow Isles as other have suggested, and you're looking for things like Fresh Offerings and Phantom Prankster.
Good luck!
Here's a Frejlord / Noxus poro deck from Phreak that basically relies on some early chip damage and the overwhelm mechanic from either Crowd Favorite, Fluff, or Trynd for a win condition:
EDIT: man, getting that deck BBCode right is NOT intuitive.