I think i should have won... pls explain to me
Submitted 4 years, 11 months ago by
Hello Guys and Gals!
So i jsut killed it in the second Expeditions Trial!
I got 6 Wins but honestly i think i should have won the last one as well ...
the moneypoint was the last attack from me.
enemy had a4/2, Fiona lvl uped and killed 1 Minion so far and a 3/2
i had 2 Minions on board and a Savage Reckoner which targeted the 3/2 for the last 5 dmg to win the game
Fiona blocks one of the small minions, (2 kills) and plays strike on the Fiona and the second Minion (3 kills)
then the Reckoner kills the other Minion, i expect 5 dmg for lethal to the core but i loose the game ....
Pls help me what happend here?
thank you
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Hello Guys and Gals!
So i jsut killed it in the second Expeditions Trial!
I got 6 Wins but honestly i think i should have won the last one as well ...
the moneypoint was the last attack from me.
enemy had a4/2, Fiona lvl uped and killed 1 Minion so far and a 3/2
i had 2 Minions on board and a Savage Reckoner which targeted the 3/2 for the last 5 dmg to win the game
Fiona blocks one of the small minions, (2 kills) and plays strike on the Fiona and the second Minion (3 kills)
then the Reckoner kills the other Minion, i expect 5 dmg for lethal to the core but i loose the game ....
Pls help me what happend here?
thank you
if fiora killed one minion after leveling up she needs to kill just another one, she is at 3 kills not 2..
and even if she was at 2, the blocking/attacking order matters, if the fiora attacks first she wins.
unless it's a second fiora?
well id be fine with that!
but she won the game after my guy attackt the other guy of the opponent.
And as far as i remember and im VERY sure but not 100% tbh she was on 3 AFTER she killed my minion
if she would have won right away then the attack animation of my guy wouldnt trigger would it?
edit: ok so its that fiona has to kill 4 guys together in both versions? so that would explain the loss but not why my guy still attacked
im pretty sure my brain isnt making that up here
I'm guessing when you lost it had the Fiora Duelist Dance animation?
My understanding is that mechanically she actually works like "If any unique Level 2 Fiora kills 2+ minions, win the game", despite the text. If you right click on her, you can see her progression: as I recall, a newly-played Level 2 Fiora will show 0/2 instead of 0/4 or 2/4. Assuming that's true, Fiora would have won the game the instant she killed the 2nd minion--i.e., before the Savage Reckoner applied its overwhelm damage. You should have attacked with him on the left--its possible that could have given you a win. :-P
In other words, if your opponent had first Fiora out, she got 2 kills and level'ed before you killed it, then he played a 2nd Fiora that comes into play as Level 2 with 0/2 progression and it kills 2 things, then the game essentially counts it as 4 total. I think if the first Fiora only kills one thing, then the second comes out as Level 1 with 0/2 progression and has to kill 4 more things to satisfy the win condition. (I've only played her a little in Expedition mode, so don't quote me here.)
well honestly i think that explains it .... im pretty sure she then killed enough
sadly yes that was about the positioning then.
Well its only a mistake if im doing it again :)
thx for clarification
instawin effects in should get priority at this type of situations but not in normal ones , one time i killed my op with a mystic shot during his final attack i died after battle but because i killed him first i won but fiora effect doenst care about your health if she kills 4 you win, hope you understand my point.
i think i do but if i would have positioned the Reckoner correctly she wouldnt even have gotten that far because the game would have been over before she attacked
well im not even a week in the game so naturally i have much to learn :)
i will test for ya with ai tuesday but my theory it doenst matter fiora effect should win even if you die in the battle the only way fiora dont win is if she dies in the last battle if you have a friend and fiora feel free to test too i may take sometime to get it doneXD
As OldManSanns explained, a leveled-up Fiora only needs 2 more kills to fulfill her win condition.
And it's also correct that combat order can play a deciding role in scenarios like these. I don't think greenhat is correct in saying that Fiora's win condition takes precedence over a win via nexus kill; whichever occurs first according to combat order should determine the winner. The game always plays out the attack animations for all attacking units, even if the defender is already eliminated after the first unit's strike (However, as soon as the nexus health reaches 0, a "SKIP" button appears at the bottom of the screen, so you can skip the rest of the combat animations and leave the match).
Thank you guys for the fast and decent replies :)
It will help me improve my gameplay and ill stick around to learn
you are 100% right the position matters i lost in my tests after one player wins the game ends, now some fun facts from my research:
1- if you recall fiora LV2 she resets her counter to 0/4
2- if you use judgment on fiora and kill 4 or more units she can go from LV1 to I WIN { she level up mid spell and count the rest of the units afterwards, of course that means judgment counts for killing with her at any point 0/4, 1/4, etc.}
Yeah, I've lost games to that before. Complete board dominance, opponent down to 2 health, he declares attack at the very start of the round, then chains Riposte into Judgment on my full board. I was torn between outrage, amusement, and cautious respect.
I see you when you're sleeping; I'm gone before you wake
I'm not as good as turn 4 Barnes; But I'm at least a Twilight Drake
So is this a known issue at Riot? If not, someone needs to report the bug.
Fiora's counter should display her accurate progress toward victory, not just kills on that specific instance of Fiora.
well i wouldnt call it a bug but rather a miss information the card provides....
so im still for telling riot to change it but i dont think its a bug to begin with