Is frenzied skitterer any good?
Submitted 4 years, 10 months ago by
hmm I wonder if Frenzied Skitterer is good IDK guys
Edit: turns out that it's great but I play around stuff I shouldn't XD
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hmm I wonder if Frenzied Skitterer is good IDK guys
Edit: turns out that it's great but I play around stuff I shouldn't XD
Lol. Did you make it to 7?
Died at 3 cause I play too much around judgment and missed lethal
Frenzied skitter is one of the best cards imo.
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I haven't really played a dedicated spider deck apart from the default one, but it seems like a great finisher to me. Once you've assembled a bunch of spiders, you can push through a good amount of damage. Alternatively, it can set you up for some favorable trades, especially if you've managed up level up Elise. Of course, it's fairly worthless if you don't have a couple of spiders on the board.
It's a pretty strong card in and of itself. Honestly it's strong just as a 3/3 that nerfs opponents' cards for a turn, the +1/+0 is a sidenote which isn't particularly necessary. It really messes with Demacia in particular due to its reliance on value trading.
I see you when you're sleeping; I'm gone before you wake
I'm not as good as turn 4 Barnes; But I'm at least a Twilight Drake
Hm... Maybe I'm undervalueing the attack debuff a bit. It's just that spiders aren't exactly known for their high health, anyway, so your opponent shouldn't have too much trouble taking out the weak ones even with one less attack. I guess the debuff could be decent when used defensively, potentially saving yourself from up to 6 nexus damage that turn.
The card is absolutely bonkers. It is what makes or brakes the aggro Wraith decks out there. Getting defending 3 power blockers down to 2 means they cannot block the fearsome units anymore. Plus it gives some spiders +1 power. Plus it can be used defensively to avoid lethal. All while having good 3/3 stats. wtf
Exactly, the attack debuff is just so huge. Lot of units can be droped to 2 or less attack, so they cant block Fearsome, and just debuffing in general will just make awkward situation for your opponent, cause they suddenly cant trade 1 for 1 with your followers anymore lots of times. Obviously in a spider deck its best but its pretty good overall.
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