Why does Runeterra have Duplicates?
Submitted 4 years, 9 months ago by
Why do y’all think Runeterra allows duplicates in chests? Wouldn’t it be better for the chests to always give new cards?
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Why do y’all think Runeterra allows duplicates in chests? Wouldn’t it be better for the chests to always give new cards?
It is fine as it is. I have almost every card around and it doesn't bother me. You will get a bunch of crytals and tokens to spend in the new expac when the time comes.
Give me the reason why the mind's a terrible thing to waste?
Understanding is cruel the monkey said as it launched to space.
...Ignorance is bliss, until they take your bliss away...
Or even better, we could start with all the cards already available am i right
Hearthstone: Me vs Firebat -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09NCE81owjo
I think it's a valid question. However, I commend Riot for disabling duplicate acquisition for Epics and Champions - the rarities where it matters most. I guess they could've gone all the way and implemented it the same way for commons and rares, but I really don't mind. I think acquiring commons and rares is done so easily that we don't need the extra help. Plus if you're absolutely not interested in certain commons or rares, getting a few shards from a duplicate beats opening copies of those cards you'll never use anyway, right?
Random rewards are stupid, period. If they are so keen on player agency in both gameplay and collecting, they should just rework the system to hand out only wildcards. They might have to give fewer cards overall, but at least you'd always get something you want.
Maybe also let us trade wildcards for coins, even at a super steep exchange rate, so we can use them to buy boards and stuff.
I thought of this mostly because Hearthstone just announced that they would extend duplicate protection to all rarities, and it made me wonder why Runeterra doesn’t do this as well. The only upside of duplicates that I can see is that it provides diminishing marginal value from packs, which helps players who buy fewer packs be closer in terms of set completion to ones who bought a lot of cards. However, since in Runeterra you can’t buy packs, it seems like they could easily just have duplicate protection for all rarities and then maybe reduce trewards to compensate
It’s not that I feel Runeterra’s system is not generous enough, it’s just that it feels unnecessary to give people the bad experience of opening multiple duplicates just because they got unlucky. Duplicate protection also encourages card crafting, since you no longer have to worry about crafting a card and then getting a ton of copies of it the day afte
I agree on all counts, but why not go a step further by removing the feels-bad moment of getting cards you don't care about?
No one would ever feel bad about getting duplicate wildcards. ^^
Speaking for myself, I think there's something to be said about opening a 'pack' (i.e. region reward) and finding out what you got. Finding an epic for a deck I've been planning to craft feels really good. Of course, from a purely logical standpoint, a wildcard would always be superior. But humans aren't inherently logical creatures ;).
The system in runettera is generous enough as is.. It's just such a greedy request from your side to ask it..
You get so many rewards from Runeterra that opening a trash common really comes at no consequence other than a minor inconvenience that you'll have to play a bit more later. Runeterra is already so unbelievably generous in its F2P model, don't take it for granted. I've been playing for about one week since the mobile launch in Singapore and I've already been able to craft 2 entire decks, the only thing I'm missing is some of the champions. And besides, if you're just going to get rid of all "feelsbad" moments from pack opening, why not give everybody a full collection from the beginning?
Comapring to HS feels kinda meh, you BUY packs there. Here they given to you for xp, and you can buy any wildcard you want with money for a reasonable price.