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Legends of Runeterra

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Just went 6-1 on my Expedition

Submitted 4 years, 11 months ago by

So I just went 6-1 on my Expedition.  Not just 6 wins--literally undefeated until game 7.  ;-)  That's never happened to me before.  I've had some good campaigns, some bad campaigns, but even when I'm doing "good" that's more like 60% win rate.  I've never had one that was so good that it didn't drop any games--so you can imagine my surprise when I got shut out on the final game.

My deck was basically straight aggro: Draven + Lucian with lots of early game aggro, tons of Noxius 1-2 drops, battlecasters, and 3x brothers bond.  It was surprising effective (side note #1: don't neglect your early game when drafting, guys!)  Final Boss was a wonky P&Z/Frejlord deck with Anivia + Ashe + 1 other champ (don't exactly remember; he never played any); I was even doing OK until he dropped a Chempunk Shredder on curve (side note #2: when's the last time you've seen one of those played?) which completely cleared my board.  From there on, it was an uphill battle with me top-decking and him with card advantage and plenty of good answers.  I did manage to get him down to 1-HP and threaten next-turn lethal, but he managed to get me to exactly 0 the round before.

I can't really complain--I imagine my deck seemed like super-cancer to all my previous opponents, plus 6 wins is still pretty good--but that last game just got me.  It was my first trial, but I need to take a mental palette cleanser before attempting trial #2 so I thought I'd post here.  I hope everyone is doing well!


EDIT: meant 6-1, not 6-0 lol.  Sorry; I guess I was more worked up than I thought!

  • OldManSanns's Avatar
    Azir 1040 924 Posts Joined 08/05/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    So I just went 6-1 on my Expedition.  Not just 6 wins--literally undefeated until game 7.  ;-)  That's never happened to me before.  I've had some good campaigns, some bad campaigns, but even when I'm doing "good" that's more like 60% win rate.  I've never had one that was so good that it didn't drop any games--so you can imagine my surprise when I got shut out on the final game.

    My deck was basically straight aggro: Draven + Lucian with lots of early game aggro, tons of Noxius 1-2 drops, battlecasters, and 3x brothers bond.  It was surprising effective (side note #1: don't neglect your early game when drafting, guys!)  Final Boss was a wonky P&Z/Frejlord deck with Anivia + Ashe + 1 other champ (don't exactly remember; he never played any); I was even doing OK until he dropped a Chempunk Shredder on curve (side note #2: when's the last time you've seen one of those played?) which completely cleared my board.  From there on, it was an uphill battle with me top-decking and him with card advantage and plenty of good answers.  I did manage to get him down to 1-HP and threaten next-turn lethal, but he managed to get me to exactly 0 the round before.

    I can't really complain--I imagine my deck seemed like super-cancer to all my previous opponents, plus 6 wins is still pretty good--but that last game just got me.  It was my first trial, but I need to take a mental palette cleanser before attempting trial #2 so I thought I'd post here.  I hope everyone is doing well!


    EDIT: meant 6-1, not 6-0 lol.  Sorry; I guess I was more worked up than I thought!

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