Bug on attack?
Submitted 4 years, 9 months ago by
When someone attacks and kills the blocking creature with a spell before the ally attacks, the attacking creature then doesn't hit the enemy nexus, is this a bug or it's intended for some unknown reason?
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When someone attacks and kills the blocking creature with a spell before the ally attacks, the attacking creature then doesn't hit the enemy nexus, is this a bug or it's intended for some unknown reason?
It's intended. Didn't really like this interaction in MTG, don't like it here, but it's not gonna change.
Yes that's how it works. The only exception I know are Overwhelm units, they'll strike the nexus anyway.
Its intended, otherwise a player could make low mana high attack allies unblockable if he has enough spells.
Example: I have 5/1 minion and my opponent has 3 spiders 1/1.
I attack. He blocks with a 1/1 spider. Now if i play any 1 damage spell and kill his spider, should he take 5 damage to the nexus?
This would be extremely broken, because as long as i have spells, i can keep killing only the designated blocker and he would always take 5 damage every turn, no matter how many followers he has.
The reason why Overwhelm units hit nexus even when the blocker is already gone, is to prevent the defender from avoiding excess damage by killing his own blockers.
Hearthstone: Me vs Firebat -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09NCE81owjo