Elusives aren't the problem. YOU are
Everyone complaining about how there is no counter to elusive units and how the game is ruined by an "uninteresting mechanic," then threaten to quit and uninstall the game. Go do it then lol.
The issue isn't with Elusives, the issue is with your inability to understand that more likely you'll be fighting elusives and will need counter cards. So many people are currently hopping on the Bannerman express because of its round 4 power spike, and yet they complain that all the power and health in the world can't stop an Ionia deck. Guess what, YOU'RE RIGHT. What good is that when you are getting bodied by a Solitary Monk with Stand Alone and by Shadow Assassins?
So now you been known that power and health alone don't counter elusive attacks. Well you know what does, that is commonly found in every goddamn Bannerman deck? CHALLENGER UNITS, SINGLE COMBAT, and PURIFY. WOW! How many Fleet Feathertrackers (challenger) have I went against, paired with War Chefs or Laurent Chevalier (also challenger btw). You can (oh my god) CHALLENGE the elusives in battle and force them to defend!
Oh what? The enemy had enough mana for Twin Disciples or variant of a Barrier spell? Well if you were smart enough to perceive it, you should have Purify to nullify EVERYTHING.
Another fun factoid is that you can counter elusives with OTHER elusives. And Frostbite. And Vengeance. And Drain. And Noxus Guillotine. And simply having a spread out board so that they will have to defend against something or take hella damage/lethal.
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Everyone complaining about how there is no counter to elusive units and how the game is ruined by an "uninteresting mechanic," then threaten to quit and uninstall the game. Go do it then lol.
The issue isn't with Elusives, the issue is with your inability to understand that more likely you'll be fighting elusives and will need counter cards. So many people are currently hopping on the Bannerman express because of its round 4 power spike, and yet they complain that all the power and health in the world can't stop an Ionia deck. Guess what, YOU'RE RIGHT. What good is that when you are getting bodied by a Solitary Monk with Stand Alone and by Shadow Assassins?
So now you been known that power and health alone don't counter elusive attacks. Well you know what does, that is commonly found in every goddamn Bannerman deck? CHALLENGER UNITS, SINGLE COMBAT, and PURIFY. WOW! How many Fleet Feathertrackers (challenger) have I went against, paired with War Chefs or Laurent Chevalier (also challenger btw). You can (oh my god) CHALLENGE the elusives in battle and force them to defend!
Oh what? The enemy had enough mana for Twin Disciples or variant of a Barrier spell? Well if you were smart enough to perceive it, you should have Purify to nullify EVERYTHING.
Another fun factoid is that you can counter elusives with OTHER elusives. And Frostbite. And Vengeance. And Drain. And Noxus Guillotine. And simply having a spread out board so that they will have to defend against something or take hella damage/lethal.
I think that the issue people have is less with elusive’s existence, and more with the prevalence of decks that have so many elusive units that it becomes impossible to counter all of the elusives. Also, elusive as a keyword does take away from a core aspect of the game by not allowing your opponent to interact with it through normal units. This can be interesting to some extent when your opponent has only a few elusives, but when their entire deck is elusive units, it becomes a boring game where your control of the board no longer matters.
Also, you said that people should just be smart and have counters, but the problem is that then your entire game plan has to become focused on countering elusives instead of actually playing cards that you think are fun. To some extent, it doesn’t matter if elusive decks are balanced or counterable. If they make players have less fun with the game, then they are a problem.
There's literally been one person on this site who has whined about elusives (yesterday) in the past weeks or so.
This is more you whining about Bannermen, which has just been nerfed, than anything else. Which makes you nothing more than a massive hypocrite.
Did you KNOW (oh my god!!?) Bannermen decks can also be COUNTERED? Crazy! (I KNOW!)
The problem isn't necessarily with Elusives in general, but rather the number of Elusives per deck and the popularity of the decks that run tons of Elusive units. If you're playing Bannerman, you're running some Challenger units, some Purifies and some Single Combats. But the reason people don't fill their entire deck with them is that then you'll lose to a different deck instead. Elusives are an interesting concept, but the ability itself is so niche and specific that you can't run cards that counter them without just making your deck bad. And Runeterra is about winning more games than you lose, not about making that one Elusive player feel bad for a few minutes.
No deck can run every single card in the game, and you can't build a deck made entirely of counters. The fact that Elusives warrant this style of gameplay since they can't be interacted with normally is what makes them a problem. The fact that they can single-handedly counter entire gameplan is a problem. Another part of the problem is that Elusive units are meant to come at a cost; the fact that they can't be blocked comes at the cost of low stats, usually. However, considering the other abilities Elusives have like drawing or lifesteal coupled with their ability to easily buff their unblockable board makes this less of a drawback.
And your point about countering Elusives with other Elusives is what's known as meta warping, where one single strategy is so dominant that it becomes the only strategy in the game. It makes the existence of all the other cards in the game useless. One of the first questions to answer during deckbuilding becomes "how do I counter Elusives". If people can't play the decks they built like the game advertises because of Elusives, then it's not a fun game. I downloaded Runeterra, not Elusive simulator.
A yes, the old "just put in all the tech cards, lol"
What's the point of playing the game if all you're doing is gimp your entire deck to defeat one archetype that the devs can't be bothered to fix? What's the point of designing a game around unit combat when the best way to play is use units that avoid it entirely?
Also, good luck using all your removal to try and kill a single elusive unit while your opponent just tosses out [Hearthstone Card (Twin Discipline) Not Found], [Hearthstone Card (Deny) Not Found] and [Hearthstone Card (Elixir of Iron) Not Found] to just negate all of it. Once you're out of removal you'll never be able to kill a single elusive unit while they keep playing more and more.
Also nice meme, because handbuffed Lifeblade really makes it easy to rush them, doesn't it? Especially when they can block freely but you can't.
Is your advice for Ezreal decks going to be "just don'T take damage lol"?
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Agreed. The gameplan of decks should be to build your deck with a few meta tech cards, not to build a deck entirely consistent of meta counters.
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All these people crying. I could not care less about Bannerman decks being nerfed. I dont play Demacia. What I'm saying is that if you think Elusives are so broken, then you dont know how to counter.
my advice for you personally is to uninstall the game and learn to have fun. If elusives piss you off so bad, then the real issue is that you get upset over a card game.
says the person throwing a shitfit because people have issues with a certain archetye.
maybe if you can't actually respond to any of the criticism you should just be quiet instead of making yourself look like even more of a fool.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
And it's fun to be forced to play a specific way in a game with hundreds of other options because one archetype is impossible to deal with otherwise?
It's fun to lose to the other decks constantly because your deck isn't built to be able to handle anything other than elusives?
It's fun to have a deck specifically hating on elusives and still lose to them on occasion? Because EVEN IF your deck is a hate deck, the odds that you draw the exact answers to their exact draws on the exact turns you need them.. is not that high
How about you learn to let others have fun and not tell people they're wrong and stupid because they dislike a mechanic you obviously love and probably play mainly.