Fantasy Formats: What do you Want?

Submitted 5 years, 3 months ago by

Howdy, I love Hearthstone more than I ever did MtG but one of the things I really miss is all the different formats you could play.  When you got your friends together there was a bunch of different rule sets that we either learned from others or found online.  Even had a few house formats for fun (first 5 turns no attacking was interesting).  

My favorite one always comes to mind with these co-op brawls, and that's 2 headed giants.  This format essentially allowed 4 players to join in teams of 2.  Both players share a life total (double the normal starting amount).  You didn't share a mana pool and the format for turns was Team 1 player A, Team 2 player A, Team 1 player B, team 2 player B.  This was a blast as we had tons of different ways to play it.  Sometimes one player was incredibly defensive while the second played combo.  You could also double up on the same strategy like a super aggro team.  I would love to see something like this in Hearthstone.  

What formats would you like to see?

  • Trollbert's Avatar
    Excited Elf 510 338 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    Howdy, I love Hearthstone more than I ever did MtG but one of the things I really miss is all the different formats you could play.  When you got your friends together there was a bunch of different rule sets that we either learned from others or found online.  Even had a few house formats for fun (first 5 turns no attacking was interesting).  

    My favorite one always comes to mind with these co-op brawls, and that's 2 headed giants.  This format essentially allowed 4 players to join in teams of 2.  Both players share a life total (double the normal starting amount).  You didn't share a mana pool and the format for turns was Team 1 player A, Team 2 player A, Team 1 player B, team 2 player B.  This was a blast as we had tons of different ways to play it.  Sometimes one player was incredibly defensive while the second played combo.  You could also double up on the same strategy like a super aggro team.  I would love to see something like this in Hearthstone.  

    What formats would you like to see?

  • GerritDeMan's Avatar
    Unicorn Reveler 525 264 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    I would like to see a format with rotating sets, the included sets should be changed after a set period of time (maybe a month, maybe multiple months, but not longer than that).

    I would also love to have a custom format in which you can set up games yourselves and choose your own rulesets (and maybe choose from tavern brawl rulesets as well?). You could of course allow other players to join, or make it private to friends only. I don't think this will ever happen but one can dream.

  • Warangel's Avatar
    85 27 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    I would love some sort of two-on-two team mechanic.

    I don't know quite how that would work and I imagine it would be a logistical nightmare. But it sure would be fun to be able to play Hearthstone 2 vs 2.

  • bananaMurloc's Avatar
    Hungry Crab 600 139 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    I would love a format between Standard and Wild, something like an All-Stars mode, but more regulated with only the most broken cards/combos banned: random weekly "out of ban jail" picks maybe? Or maybe whichever card combo allowed #1 Legend each week would be banned for a year.

    I also love the coop "2 players vs Boss" brawl this week, maybe that's an easier compromise to implement than 2v2 players (what are the odds of one player lagging the whole game?)

  • Synesthesy's Avatar
    240 142 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    Hearthstone 2 vs 2 should be played as Yugioh tag team: two teams that shares the same board, health pool, everything, except decks and hand. This wouldn't ask that much code, for example it doesn't need any custom battlefield: you only need to shift the face between turns.

    2 headed giant is a better 2 vs 2 format, but it would need more code. And I think blizzard will never do that for not wanting to risk people anger for being merged with a noob, whetever it's true or not.

  • Cocoduf's Avatar
    350 81 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    It's really sad to me that Hearthstone isn't pushing it with the gamemodes. There's just so much potential.

  • LyraSilvertongue's Avatar
    360 383 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    A post beta non-nerfed card format. You can even take ladder out of such a format. I just hate not being able to play certain cards or entire decks completely because a nerf essentially deletes a card in a digital format with just the wrong change made to it. At least in physical card games bans, restrictions, and erratas can't prevent you from at least playing the original versions with friends. That's far from the case in a digital card game.

  • Trollbert's Avatar
    Excited Elf 510 338 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From GerritDeMan

    I would like to see a format with rotating sets, the included sets should be changed after a set period of time (maybe a month, maybe multiple months, but not longer than that).

    I would also love to have a custom format in which you can set up games yourselves and choose your own rulesets (and maybe choose from tavern brawl rulesets as well?). You could of course allow other players to join, or make it private to friends only. I don't think this will ever happen but one can dream.

    Blizz has created a brawl just for you, and it's really fun ;

  • Richman's Avatar
    195 18 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    As LyraSilvertongue previously said, my ideal format too is one where all cards are in their pre-nerf form. This format would be insane, and very unbalanced, but it would represent a true battle of titans, with the game's greatest decks battling it out. Is Naga Sea Witch fast enough to beat Undertaker? Can 2 mana Fiery War Axe, Charge Patches and 3/2 Small-Time Buccaneer beat out 2 mana Frost Nova and 5 mana Blizzard Freeze Mage? Can anything stop Star Aligner with 0 mana 2 crystal Innervate, 5 mana Spreading Plague and pre-nerf Nourish/Wild Growth? I'd love to see which decks ended up as the kings of such a format.

    The only exception I would make is for Reckless Experimenter and Shadowboxer, as those cards were pre-emptively nerfed, in the sense that the overpowered deck that would have featured them never actually existed. Dreadsteed is similar, but I don't think Dreadsteed/Defile is broken enough to merit any changes in this format.

    Ideally, you would unlock the format by buying a bundle (available for gold or cash) that gave you the special pre-nerf versions of all the cards, fully golden and undisenchantable with a special rarity gem, for use only in the format. I love Wild because it has the most powerful decks Hearthstone has to offer, and I'd love to see this format (Untamed seems like a fitting name) as the Vintage to Wild's Legacy.

  • Trillmatic's Avatar
    Tauren Chieftain Addict 390 75 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    Sealed deck mode, that's what I want!

  • Lightspoon's Avatar
    Merfolk 495 405 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    I would love a construcred format with a monthly rotation of 3 different sets each time, like the actual Brawl but on Ladder. It will bring so much freshness both on gameplay and deckbuilding.

    "For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"

  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    I think they should introduce the "Fair Format." It would be, above all, fair to play, without spending any money or dust or gold. In the format, all players would have the same amount of luck.

  • Dakarian's Avatar
    140 97 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From Lightspoon

    I would love a construcred format with a monthly rotation of 3 different sets each time, like the actual Brawl but on Ladder. It will bring so much freshness both on gameplay and deckbuilding.

    This.  I realized when seeing the format in brawl that

    1. I love it, including how unusual things can get.  I have NO CLUE what warrior is supposed to do in that last one but I would've loved to try to figure it out.

    2. It really feels off to me to play a mode with no stars and ranks.  Even playing casually I hang around rank 15 so my 'ladder' is between 20-10 and I realize I DO pay attention to where I am in those ranks.  

    3. I'm tempted to say that it might need to be 4 sets if the Classic set doesn't show up (and I DO like Classic not showing up).  

    It's crazy.  There's random mess in Single player.  There's rotations in Brawl and Arena.  but my home in Constructed is left out.  


    Oh and a sealed format.  The concept of opening a mass of packs then making a deck out o fthem sounds VERY interesting.

    Why trade with minions when you can face for...billions? 


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