Invincible card?
Submitted 4 years, 8 months ago by
I just found this card: Unyielding spirit.
I am not sure if I understood it correctly, but basically, the minion i choose will never ever die forever?
So i can use it on Fiora and she will never die (attack, removal, spell) unless someone uses purify?
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I just found this card: Unyielding spirit.
I am not sure if I understood it correctly, but basically, the minion i choose will never ever die forever?
So i can use it on Fiora and she will never die (attack, removal, spell) unless someone uses purify?
Purify doesn't actually work on champions.
Recalls would work though.
Will of Ionia and Detain will work. Not sure about obliterate.
Obliterate will work as it works on a different mechanic.
Converting this to mtg lingo. Kill = Destroy (Card is put into the graveyard), Obliterate = Exile (Card is removed from the game).
This is basically, indestructible from MTG. Creates can't get destroyed/killed or damaged. However they can be exiled/obliterated.
So it's more vulnerable than i thought! Do yo think it will be a good addition to a fiora deck? It's also a fast spell, which may be a good way to give a better "barrier" during a fight.
I saw it been used in heimerdinger Vi and if you are unprepared for that card you just loose.
I mean Ionian decks will very surely keep Ionian will in their lists, detain is a good but unreliable removal and obliterate is more exclusive for bilgewater so far making it hard for the majority of decks/regions to do anything against the unstopable unit (champion).
However it is very reliable now to win even before turn 10 with any unstopable kill combo @KarmaEzreal so that the invicibility comes in that late that it is actually "balanced".
While it is a nice card and it can win games. If on turn 5, you commit all your mana to play that card and it gets Will of Ionia. It will basically lose you the game.
So it's a win the game or lose the game card. You will have to play it carefully and know what counters it. Also keep in mind, Overwhelm will still do damage over top of the card just like barrier. It does not prevent damage.
10/5 Overwhelm Darius attacks vs blocking 3/3 Indestructible Fiora will still deal 7 damage to your Nexus.
Let's not forget Judgment played on Fiora can potencially win the game right away while Unyielding spirit will take a couple turns.
Hearthstone: Me vs Firebat ->
That's what I was thinking, too. I don't know whether I'd want to make room for it in my Fiora deck when I'm already playing 2 Judgments as high-cost win conditions. You'd almost definitely have to float mana and play it on turn 5 for the card to be worth it.
Would be great if attacking a bamboozled dormant minion did not damage neither one but make a DOIIIIIIIIIING sound like when you hit a glass wall (not shattering it just bouncing back) :-)
Just did some playtest on Unyielding Spirit
Some interesting facts:
1- Etheral units cannot die anymore;
2- Kill effects that requires the target to die still resolves but won't kill the unit.
Example: Glimpse Beyond draws 2 cards without killing the target, but Chronicler of Ruin does nothing;
3- Both Detain and Will of Ionia work as expected;
4- Playing Detain on a target with Unyielding spirit is almost a death penality;
5- The target doesn't take any damage but retains the current HP if damaged prior the cast. This is important when
blocking against Overwhelm units.
Hearthstone: Me vs Firebat ->
That definitely sounds like a bug / programming error to me. From my understanding of the game mechanics, Glimpse Beyond should not trigger if the target doesn't die.
The fact that Chronicler of Ruin doesn't work here is probably that, since the unit didn't die, there's nothing to revive.
Would you mind elaborating what you mean by this? Are you talking about capturing an enemy unit affected by Unyielding Spirit? I would think that'd be a superb counter since Detain removes any buffs on the unit, so even if freed by the opponent, the Spirit effect would be gone.
I think he means Detaining an enemy unit with your indestructible unit. That way, there’s no way to remove the indestructible unit without also getting rid of the detained unit inside it.
Ah, that makes sense. You're right, it'd effectively turn Detain into Vengeance without triggering Last Breaths.