Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

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Why bother mulliganing if the game is going to give you the same cards again anyway?

Submitted 4 years, 1 month ago by

It happens a lot! I have had it many times where I mill like 3 cards and every single one of them comes back as the same card I milled. It's like the game is saying; "Oh you don't want those? Well, f**k you! You have been winning to much lately so now we have to screw you over somehow." >_<

\rant over.

  • Vincent3383's Avatar
    Lava Coil 135 98 Posts Joined 05/03/2020
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    It happens a lot! I have had it many times where I mill like 3 cards and every single one of them comes back as the same card I milled. It's like the game is saying; "Oh you don't want those? Well, f**k you! You have been winning to much lately so now we have to screw you over somehow." >_<

    \rant over.

    "Love thy neighbor as thyself." - Mark 12:31

    "So I should want to put a bullet in their head? Got it."

  • BlueSpark's Avatar
    180 193 Posts Joined 01/27/2020
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    I assume you mean "mulligan" ("milling" usually refers to removing cards from your opponent's deck). If so, it works in this game just like it would with real-life cards: The exact cards you've selected from your hand are excluded from the redraw pool, but you can certainly draw additional copies of those cards if you're running multiple in your deck. It may be frustrating to get a copy of the same card you just mulliganed away, but it's perfectly logical and consistent.

    Or maybe you already knew all that and just wanted to vent a little :P. That's fine, too. Everyone gets annoying mulligans every once in a while.

  • Marega's Avatar
    620 872 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    after the ridiculous mulligan luck in games like Magic ive learned to not get pissed off on mulligans from other games, as a bad mulligan in Magic not only dooms the match for you but it actually locks your ability to actually play the game, while u watch ur opponent play cards and u sit with you thumb up your ass thinking, great still no lands, or the opposite, ONLY lands.

  • Vino's Avatar
    Champion of Runeterra 705 231 Posts Joined 06/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From Vincent3383

    It happens a lot! I have had it many times where I mill like 3 cards and every single one of them comes back as the same card I milled. It's like the game is saying; "Oh you don't want those? Well, f**k you! You have been winning to much lately so now we have to screw you over somehow." >_<

    \rant over.

    This happens in literally every card game. Have you ever played poker?

    I never apologize… I’m sorry but that’s the way I am.

  • meisterz39's Avatar
    925 1200 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From BlueSpark

    I assume you mean "mulligan" ("milling" usually refers to removing cards from your opponent's deck). If so, it works in this game just like it would with real-life cards: The exact cards you've selected from your hand are excluded from the redraw pool, but you can certainly draw additional copies of those cards if you're running multiple in your deck. It may be frustrating to get a copy of the same card you just mulliganed away, but it's perfectly logical and consistent.

    Or maybe you already knew all that and just wanted to vent a little :P. That's fine, too. Everyone gets annoying mulligans every once in a while.

    Sorry in advance, I know I'm being pedantic here (because you're basically right), but not all games remove your original hand from the mulligan pool. In MTG, for instance, you shuffle your entire deck and redraw, so you could get the literal exact same set of cards (though the odds are vanishingly small).

    Of course, as you've said, when you have multiple copies of a card, you can easily draw the same card again despite a "no replacements" mulligan, but it's an oddity about digital CCGs that they're not more explicit about what kind of replacement policy they have for mulligans. LoR says "choose cards to replace" in their mulligan screen, so I guess they think that's explicit enough, but I could imagine ways to make it clearer - e.g. "Choose which cards to replace with other cards from your deck.")

  • BlueSpark's Avatar
    180 193 Posts Joined 01/27/2020
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From meisterz39
    Sorry in advance, I know I'm being pedantic here (because you're basically right), but not all games remove your original hand from the mulligan pool.

    No, no, point taken. I can be pretty pedantic myself, so I actually appreciate being called out on details I may get wrong :).

    Personally, I think the way it works (at least I'm pretty sure it does) in Hearthstone and Runeterra is ideal: You can't redraw the exact same instance of a card you chose to mulligan, but you can draw another copy of it. In Magic, redrawing from your full deck makes swapping cards weaker, while a theoretical mulligan variant preventing the player from drawing a copy of the swapped-out card feels a bit too strong.

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