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The Implications of the Royal Calf Hidden Quest

I chuckled to myself after completing the hidden quest the other day.

When you loot the calf, the item (and entry in your pet menagerie) flavor text states:

This young creature has a regal air, as though he holds some special place within his herd. Who knows what they would do if he went missing...

During this event, you've essentially "gone back in time" to where Diablo first began. Thus, when you steal the Cow King's baby in Wirt's farmstead, which is filled to the brim with his cows, it implies that YOU are what causes the bovines to turn evil - because they're searching for the royal calf you stole.

Cute way to give the cows some "legitimate" Diablo lore.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 8 months ago (Source)

    Hmm. Interesting theory!
