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The latest PTR patch has yet another hidden Vyr's nerf

With the latest PTR patch, Blizzard reduced the attack speed of Archons Teleport ability from a 1.5 * sheet APS (dynamically scaling, so teleport was very fast with Vyrs high attack speed) to a constant 2.5 APS.

This means that Archon teleport is now always as fast as if you had 1.67 sheet APS. Considering Vyr's set allowed you to get above that quite easily, the arguably worst set in the game just received a heavy mobility nerf.

Blizzard pls.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    You can check what OP is talking about here:

    Ty for the info /u/Raz9r. I'll go hit the PTR now and see if I can confirm the nerf. Will report back later and update the undocumanted changes accordingly.


    Sad to say this, but apparently you have to be from the US to test this properly (due to a high ping ~350ms from EU I can't really framecount when the server got my command for teleport and often I get "rubberbanded" back to my original position...). Unless someone has an idea how to do it with high ping, someone else with a neglectable low ping (I have ~20-30ms on EU) has to check it out:

    1. Go on Live T6, play 6pc Vyr + Fazula with a 7ias Dagger. Once you have 5 APS record a short video of your teleports and framecount the average animation
    2. Go to town: Unequipp Vyr, Fazula, Weapon, IAS (also in Paragon). You should have 1 APS. Pop archon and record a short video of your teleports and framecount the average animation
    3. Go on PTR, play 6pc Vyr + Fazula with a 7ias Dagger. Once you have 5 APS record a short video of your teleports and framecount the average animation
    4. Go to town: Unequipp Vyr, Fazula, Weapon, IAS (also in Paragon). You should have 1 APS. Pop archon and record a short video of your teleports and framecount the average animation
    5. Post a tabular with your results in this thread

    Since it's an older thread (MY GOD, TWO DAYS AGO), I'll hop into here to reply.

    This is a known issue and bug. I believe a change has already been implemented for a future PTR patch to resolve this, but rest assured that this is not working as intended and a fix is on the way.
