
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Am I crazy for being afraid of a D3 expansion?

Don't get me wrong, I would buy and love an expansion, especially with the necromancer. But, it seems to me that the new gen blizz games - hearthstone, overwatch, HOTS - are the ones being nurtured the most, with only WOW left of the old guard. This is quite understandable from a financial point of view.

D3, as much as I love it, has its problems, albeit far less than at launch. Also, I'd gladly accept some kind of post-purchase moneymonkeying (purchasable cosmetics? Tournament passes ala hearthstone arena, also buyable with gold?) if that means content updates like the other blizz games. Learning from past mistakes, Diablo 4 could fix all this, assuring a healthy diabolical future.

We've heard rumors of some diablo project, with fairly recent job postings - so something diablo related is likely happening. If this is D4, it's probably (?) a bit too early to announce at this blizzcon. Meaning, if nothing of note is announced, maybe D4 is in the works. On the other hand, if it turns out the rumors were D3X2, I fear that it will be the swansong of the franchise. A final expansion they felt they had to do; part utilizing already developed resources, part nostalgia, part fan service. Some time after D3X2 release, we'll be where we were after D2. Maintenance mode for decades. Forever?

This is ofc rampant speculation and borderline hysterics, but I'd almost prefer no news now and D4 announcement next year, over a D3X2 expansion. Still buying it, tho, necro4lyf.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Say hi to Travis for me.

    Will do. :)

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Uh, yeah... this IS a lot of speculation.

    The only precedent you have is RoS, and that only improved things significantly.

    This is kind of a stretch, but I'll include this quote from Travis Day, in hopes you get the understanding that these devs do listen, and know what is expected of them, or at least have a finger on the community's pulse, fears, wants, desires:

    I spend a lot of time in my free time, and at work, reading through idea threads that people make. I just don't post in them all, because it gets way too time consuming. I've tried to touch on all the big topics that I can. And then I sort of stopped posting blogs; I love ideas and I love reading them, but I also have a lot of work that I have to do. If there's ever something worth mentioning or reading, send it my way, or make sure someone finds it in the Community and they'll get it to me. The Community team spends a lot of time linking me threads that you guys post, and I read through them and there are a lot of great ideas out there. I just don't high-five every one in every thread I read, even if I secretly high-five them for making my life easier by giving me cool ideas.

    Which he said like three years ago, and has been long forgotten. It's like we have to be reminded they know we exist, lol.

    I have to imagine they're well aware of set dependency, power creep, imbalance in items, all the things people like to go about. That is if /u/Nevalistis is doing her job right, which I'm sure she is. :P

    I like to think I am. :)
