
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Developer Chronicles: Greater Rifts

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Source)

    We all know you can just leave a bowl of food and water with a clean litter box and they'll still be happy to sleep on your face when you come home at night.

    Or in the morning.

    15 minutes before my alarm goes off.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Source)


    Speaking of audiences, who are these blog posts for?

    To the hardcore crowd, these are coming off kind of...silly and self-congratulating. We're all hungry for news of new development, and it looks like you guys are patting yourselves on the back for stuff released three years ago.

    Like...we're writing about compelling monster mechanics at a point in the game state where monster behaviors have become completely trivialized, outside of the occasional dashing instagib mob that you can't react to anyway.

    Is this for the brand new player? Is D3 still getting a lot of those? Are we expecting a swell of renewed interest after the 20th anniversary events?

    Maybe I'm only speaking for myself here, but I think to the seasoned D3 vet, these feel a little out of touch.

    The main goal of these blogs is to start getting into the habit of offering more transparency on a regular basis. They're intended to be pretty high-level with insider tidbits sprinkled in. While that does mean we'll be covering some older topics here or there, that won't prevent us from covering newer topics in the future.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Source)

    So we're just going to ignore DiabloRacing64?


  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Source)

    This has to be the first non-tech issue related blue posts for the last few months! The blues are alive! :D

    BlizzCon is a very busy time of year for us! I'm not sure what my cats look like anymore.

    I think they're furry and adorable. Maybe.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Source)

    “Sometimes I can clear a level 45 Greater Rift, but other times it feels like I’m not even close. Why?”

    Grift 45? I wonder if they're posting a lot of blog content that was written earlier because it might be less relevant/interesting after DiabloRacing64 is announced?

    It's important to remember that average players outnumber your more dedicated players, and most average players operate at lower level greater rifts. There's many who set their goals around hitting Greater Rift 50, maybe 60.

    However, in a community dedicated to the game that's filled with people who are playing a lot, it's likely that the audience there plays more often and, on average, hits a higher level Greater Rift. If you've been playing at high levels for a long time, it's easy to forget that everyone was there once, whereas some players may not resonate with the struggles of pushing a Greater Rift 90 or above.

    Pretty much everyone hits Greater Rift 45 at some point or another; that's why we picked a number both groups encounter and in a place where, maybe if you haven't gotten that perfect complementary piece or last set item, it can be a struggle. It's tough to communicate to two very diverse audiences, because their perspectives can be so different. I appreciate the feedback, and we'll keep trying our best!
