
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Quin69's WD officially raised from the dead.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 8 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    This is all planned. Reviving what was dead when they normally don't do that is obviously a reference to the upcoming revival of Diablo 2. The PC catching fire and getting "lit" is a reference to the pits of hell. Revived character from flaming PC = the phoenix born from the fire, Codename Phoenix aka D2HD confirmed.

    [Jugulator] looted: [Tin-Foil Hat]

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 8 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    We did indeed perform a rollback under these extremely extenuating circumstances.

    I think the important thing to note here is that this was a series of very unfortunate events that warranted an exception. Quin was invited to one of our events, provided one of our PC's, and that hardware failed. Would we do the same thing for anyone else under the same circumstances? Quite likely.

    Is this a sign that we will be regularly making exceptions for the deaths of Hardcore characters? Absolutely not. Our policies have not changed, and I think everyone can agree this was a particularly weird one-off situation that makes for a reasonable exception. It wasn't the first exception, and it's possible it may not be the last, but it's not a sign that we've changed our stance.

    May your hardcore characters stay healthy and your deeds of valor forever be remembered!
