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New Firebug found

Found by a console user on the forum. Tested it myself (no we didn't clear any GR or other content using this bug). Basically you just ignite someone in brawler mode without killing, they leave brawler mode, then you leave. After this no matter what else happens in the game short of taking off your gear you will have 20 firebird stacks (including greater rift 1-4p, other players leaving/rejoining/changing gear).

I hope Blizzard responds to this better than the firebug of last season.

x-post from here

Edit: People seem to think this isn't as big a deal as last season. I would argue that it is an even bigger deal because the strongest DPS build of the season will be using this bug (ability to change skills and keep 20 stacks forever is too OP) whereas last season the firebug build was overshadowed by vyr ET.

Edit2: Did some further testing. Seems the toughness from the 20 stacks on the bar does not apply. Igniting elite then killing retains stacks, however.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 8 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Thanks for the report everyone! We're currently investigating.
