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[Blog] Play Your Way Thursday – Sightless' "Meat Grinder Engineer" Demon Hunter

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 8 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    I believe the reason is because Blizzard decided to purposefully make the game very anti "play your way." The devs have even said in the past they are aware that there will always be a "best build" that everyone will gravitate towards for each class, and intentionally make it that way, via set bonuses or *10,000 damage for this skill on a side piece. Which is a fine design choice, don't get me wrong. I like having easy to reach gear goals compared to say, Path of Exile.

    For example, the play your way's for Path of Exile are usually very interesting, since GGG has intentionally made it so that you have hundreds of viable builds for each skill to use. I've seen many cool, equally as viable as mine builds in action. For Diablo, most people just go "lol what build is that, where is your (insert correct set / side pieces here).

    In Diablo, if you want to "play your way", all you're ending up doing is hurting yourself and your progression. And progression is the whole point, especially for seasons, correct?

    If this gives you joy to do, then more power towards you. But with the way this game is INTENTIONALLY designed, this is kind of a massive waste of time for a blog, and could probably be spent better elsewhere trying to keep this slowly dying game afloat.

    Though I'm sure your options are fairly limited on what you could actually do to drum up more interest at this point.

    The devs have even said in the past they are aware that there will always be a "best build" that everyone will gravitate towards for each class, and intentionally make it that way, via set bonuses or *10,000 damage for this skill on a side piece.

    This is a bit of a misleading statement. We don't intentionally make a "best build." We do, however, intentionally make class sets feel powerful and build-defining.

    Mileage varies on the definition of "best." My "best" build is the one I have the most fun with, that keeps me engaged, makes me feel like a badass, and helps me accomplish my goals. For some, that means being highly efficient. That isn't true for everyone, and that's the spirit of Play Your Way. :)

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 8 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    I know it's the play your way, but this works way better with the razor disc chakrams since they stay on the screen they can hit more than 2 times. I ran this exact build back when marauders turrets would shoot by themselves.

    Interesting feedback! Might not be as mesmerizing, but I'm interested in giving this a try. Thanks for sharing!

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 8 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Wouldn't the spike traps detonate when you drop sentries? Or if you took the rune that detonates them from hatred generators?

    I'm not 100% sure on the interaction with Sentries, but I don't believe so. I remember that thought crossing my mind, I just don't remember if I tested it.

    The latter would definitely work. However, the original purpose of Spike Traps in the build was to provide CC, and Custom Trigger doesn't provide any CC, only damage.

    I toyed around with Caltrops as a substitute, but it just doesn't work nearly as well because of positioning and how squishy the build is already.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 8 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    I don't know if others feel the same, but I would appreciate if PYW builds were at least usable in normal playing of diablo. Obviously they don't need to be top on the leaderboards, but this one doesn't even look like it should be doing T10.

    If I play a sub-optimal build for fun I'd still like to use it for things like the season journey or playing with others without being a burden.

    edit: Actually why is it so slow at T10? I just opened my chakram marauder DH from season 5 to check and it clears T10 no problem. I've got less paragon than the video...

    The reason why has to do with an issue that happens when I'm using an internal build to record - I use the Paragon level of the person's build, which was around 450 (not 800 as you see in the video). So that's a little misleading; this is something I'll be mindful of, because I didn't realize how it looked.

    There's also a lot of room for improvement. In the blog, I suggest items like Elusive Ring and Endless Walk, but neither were present in the original build. Both, I feel, would prop this build up more reliably into Torment X.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 8 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    I can understand the downvotes, but I can also see your point of view. I mean, I appreciate the effort, but perhaps this concept is not the most value adding? -> You can shred anything if you go on lower difficulty, but that is not interesting.

    How about some friendly/casual contests? Could be less work for you but more engaging to the community.

    The original PYW effectively was a contest - and took way too much time to execute.

    These actually do pretty well from a statistics point of view. :) If they didn't, I wouldn't still be investing the time in them (from a business standpoint).

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 8 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Sorry you're getting downvoted, I know I'm not the only one that appreciates you reaching out on Reddit and sticking around to answer questions. Thanks for contributing!

    If I was afraid of downvotes, I'd make a terrible Community Manager. ;) Thick skin is a job requirement, and I'm always happy to agree to disagree!

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 8 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    So basically, this is the standard M6 build that uses Chakrams instead of Cluster Arrow...

    The focus is really more on Chakrams and (originally) Spike Trap, but since 2.4.2 broke the build, it did lose a little bit of flavor. I select builds fairly well in advance, and didn't realize this one would publish after the patch. My bad for the lack of foresight.

    Also, standard PYW caveat - it's about finding the fun, not finding the min/max. :) Filling the screen with Chakrams that do a pretty darn good job of tearing stuff up is quite fun (and kind of mesmerizing to watch).
