
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Play Your Way Thursday – Kingdudman's "Raining Dead Witch Doctor" Build

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 8 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    How can GR65 be considered within the same realm as 'top 1-2 percentile of performance'? If you compare GR85 to GR65 this build does a tiny fraction of the damage of Helltooth/Jade.

    It isn't. :) My point is that everyone's "end game" is different! For some folks, Greater Rift 65 is a huge accomplishment. For others, it's a step along the way.

    That doesn't diminish the accomplishments of anyone. People play the way they would like, set goals, and reach them. Some by tinkering and throwing builds together, others by min-maxing as much as they can. That exploration and variety a huge part of the spirit of Play Your Way, and diminishing a build because it isn't going to compete on the leaderboards runs contrary.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 8 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    when grasp of the dead items were introduced in last season's PTR i thought it woulda been really op. turns out it never hit the meta and now it's considered an off meta build.

    Meta is such a precarious term. This is a pretty potent build that I think is quite underestimated, simply because it isn't in the top 1-2 percentile of performance.

    Perspective is very important when it comes to build diversity and "viability," and everyone's definition of each term seems to vary wildly.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 8 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    When i heard the laugh my first thought was, there is no way she can kill them. Then they started falling one by one.

    No joke - I was crying and laughing the entire time. Laughing because SO MANY GOBLINS and crying because I don't get to keep any of that loot... :*(
