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Were the wings from Tethrys (Dark Bat) scrapped from 2.4.1, or can they still be obtained on live?

During the PTR a lot of wings were added, including Dark Bat wings which dropped from Tethrys. However, now I don't see any guides mentioning them at all.

Could someone please clarify or confirm their existence for me, as I have been out of the loop for quite some time?

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 8 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    The Dark Bat wings are not currently available in Patch 2.4.1. It's possible we may revisit them at a later date, but I don't have any information to share on that front at this time.

    The two additional wings that were made available in Patch 2.4.1 are the Cosmic Wings and the Falcon's Wings.
