
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Non-season leaderboard meaningless since S5/2.4.1

I don't play non-season myself but i noticed that Blizzard really forces everyone to play seasonal now.

First off they made everyone play season for the stash tab. I leave this open as it has been discused so many times. But people who wanted it just did the quick journey and went back.

Second they end season 5 2 weeks before era 5 ends. This is a huge thing since usually seasonal and non-seasonal players are different. The first are grinding more than usual while the later competitors grind more consistently. But with paragon/item transfer they should be on the same level. When i assume that most people try to push leaderboard in the last 2 weeks of season those people now have 2 weeks again to push the non-seasonal leaderboard. So while the non-seasonal players are able to push non-seasonal leaderboard the seasonal ones can push both.

And third which is not yet out but 2.4.1 might hit today. This means that era 5 has 3 days left with a new patch. Everyone that has pushed before might be in a huge disadvantage if they didnt plan their time right. Those who now have 3 days free and followed or even tested PTR can now push the board again. As an example FoK has double the dmg. This means that anyone who pushes DH board after 2.4.1 hits has an advantage.

This is a huge letdown for non-seasonal players. All the pushing/preparation they did over era 5 is now gone as it is just to those who can adapt/prepare the fastest and those who have these days free to go for ranks. I dont want to discuss if season/non-season is better but in the last seasons/era we had the same dates. And if i pushed for seasonal i usually didnt have enough time to farm gear and push on non-season aswell.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 8 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Yes, this was discussed multiple times, but either people weren't aware of that so far or seasonal players just keep downvoting this in an act of "I play season, I don't care".

    I played season 5 as well and did not care about the era 5 leaderboards, but I find this completely unreasonable and unfair to all non-season players.

    It would be really nice to get a statement from /u/Nevalistis or /u/Blizz_Kauza or any other blue to know if this was a one-time thing or is likely to be the common practice now. Just as a courtesy to all non-seasonal players (of which there are a lot, I believe).

    Here's the full post, but for TLDR benefit: we did have reasons to end Era 5 differently, and we're evaluating Eras for the future.

    Eras were never really designed to be a “mirror” of Seasons, though as they coincided frequently in the past, it’s easy to see how that became the expectation.

    We’re philosophically discussing the place of Eras going forward, namely what they mean to us as well as players and how we’ll handle rolling them in the future. How (or even whether or not) Eras are affected by patches is a consideration and is why we changed the way we rolled Era 5. Changes in 2.4.1 will affect the performance of multiplayer groups, potentially bringing overall group records down, and we wanted to avoid a situation in which Era 6 could have had multiplayer records effectively locked at the start of the Era. This is definitely something we could have communicated earlier and more clearly, and we’re certainly going to strive to do so in the future.

    Needless to say, the community’s feedback has most certainly been heard on this issue, and we’re evaluating our process to try to find the best of both worlds going forward.
