
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

1hp glitch is still happening. 1/29/2016 @2:10pm

Was playing a few moments ago and had it happen again. Posted for visibility. Happened when enemy was caught in a black hole.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 8 years, 7 months ago (Source)

    I'd like to pass this on with some additional information. Bear in mind that the hotfix that was posted was for a specific set of steps we were able to reproduce (Black Hole + Taunted enemies).

    With that in mind, a few questions:

    • Where you alone or in a group?
      • If so, what classes/build types were in your group?
    • Could you post a link to your build/armory or recreate it for us in D3Planner?
    • If you are able to recall, what skills or Legendary powers were affecting the enemy in question while it was caught in Black Hole?

    This should help me put in a more detailed report for our QA folks. :) Thanks!
