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Engineering Diablo III's Damage Numbers

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 8 years, 8 months ago (Source)

    Great article but the sucralose/sugar analogy made me twitch a bit. Starches are sugars. You'd be using sucralose instead of flour as well as the sucrose.

    It'd take more than some backtracking and playing around with quantities to make proper cakes again.

    I used the term "sucraclose" as a generic reference to something like Splenda. Generally speaking, to be on the safe side, in official publications it's best practice to avoid the use of branded names (that don't belong to your company or have express permission to use).

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 8 years, 8 months ago (Source)


    I actually have no idea why it's called sixstone. It's possible one of the original break images we used to use was six stones (or six sided stones?) and we carried over the name when we started using a new one.

    That was, however, before my time here. :)

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 8 years, 8 months ago (Source)

    I love how they explain how Korean divide their numbers by tens of thousands, they proceed to post a screenshot of 7 billion golds divided into 7,755,026,191. The only difference in the screenshot would be the divider (comma vs. space) and that'd be very easy to change it depending on the client language.

    Tbh I don't need much for the new shortened numbers to be fine, apart from a DIVIDER on thousands. I don't care about the Koreans grouping by tens of thousands, please don't come and say it's hard to change the way numbers are divided because it's not that hard.

    But having 1234M written as 1,234M helps a LOT the readability.

    The nomenclature of grouping is by fours in Korea, not the display. You can see this in the localization table by seeing how often the symbol at the end of the number display changes. :)

    Some of these points were really hard to illustrate or describe. It's nice to know where we succeeded in our explanation and where we could have used more clarity.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 8 years, 8 months ago (Source)

    Some languages, like Spanish or French, do not commonly use a unique term for “billion.” They instead refer to that amount as what literally translates to “one thousand million” rather than having their own word.

    That's... not true at all. The word is Milliard (yes it would probably cause problem because both Million and Milliard starts with the letter M but still) Nobody in french says 'one thousand million'.

    Those tech post are still awesome tho.

    EDIT: I just checked and the post on the french Diablo website only talks about Spanish not having a term for billion and use the word Milliard. Lol.

    Milliard is the term being referred to which translates to "one thousand million." The issue stems more from the fact that the term "billion" exists in both languages, but represents a different denomination in each.

    Diablo has a lot of bilingual and multi-regional players, so an issue like this that confuses consistency is a driving reason in why it's handled differently.

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 8 years, 8 months ago (Source)

    Will be the PL client numbers updated?

    atm I see "M" for x * 10 6 and x * 10 9 ...its annoying . I know that we have "MILION" and "MILIARD" but should be great if "MILION" will be showed as "m" and "MILIARD" as "M" or something xd

    I'll pass this feedback on to our localization team. Thank you for letting me know!

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 8 years, 8 months ago (Source)

    Nice read. I have one thing though; why are there no orange numbers for when I disable the short number display (and enable the old long numbers). I really like to see the orange numbers, but I don't really like the short display. That's because I can't tell the difference between a comma and a dot. Sometimes the numbers appear and dissapear so fast that I don't know if it was 1,234M or 1.23M.

    It may be because disabling the short number display is tied to the new system. That's conjecture on my part though; I'll look into it.

