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New hotfixes are out: Carnevil working, unkillable mobs fixed

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 8 years, 8 months ago (Source)

    Now just waiting for dh impale.


    Grievous Wounds not affecting the 6-piece bonus of Shadow's Mantle is not a bug. In fact, none of the damage bonuses from runes for Impale affect the 6-piece bonus. This is to preserve diversity rather than leave one rune as the obvious, mathematically correct choice. Players shouldn't feel punished because of their set bonus if they'd rather use another rune or element.

    On the flip side, the other issue you mention with Convention of Elements does appear to be a bug. The 6-piece bonus of Shadow's Mantle is intended to deal the elemental type of whatever Impale rune is selected, thereby benefitting from Convention of Elements when the appropriate element is active. We've put in a report for this and will be investigating it.
