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Patch 2.4.0 Preview: Items and Sets

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 8 years, 9 months ago (Source)

    They still haven't posted the hotfixes they said were coming this week and approx 2/3 of those images do not match the figures in the latest PTR patch notes, lets not get too carried away guys they are probably just using out of date images (LoN at 400% being the obvious one).

    Hopefully /u/Nevalistis or /u/Blizz_Kauza can provide an update!

    I'm actually working on hotfixes right now!

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 8 years, 9 months ago (Source)

    Please keep in mind that the PTR is still active, and there may be more changes in store before these items arrive on live servers for Patch 2.4.0. Keep an eye on our latest PTR Patch Notes for more information.

    This. Previews always carry this concern, because we often need to take these shots well in advance. Needless to say, when they publish, they don't always line up with what's available on PTR.

    I've certainly heard a ton of feedback on today's blog though, and this is something we're going to keep in consideration in the future.
