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Updated PTR patch notes

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 8 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    /poke /u/Nevalistis

    Which one is the intended rune effect of Bombardment - Barrels of Spikes; "Damage of each barrel is increased by 200% of your Thorns" (in-game tooltip) or "Each barrel also deals 1500% of your Thorns damage on impact" (patch notes)?

    Verified the following is correct:

    • Bombardment
      • Skill Rune - Barrels of Tar
        • Has been removed
        • Replaced with
          • Barrels of Spikes
          • Each barrel also deals 1500% of your Thorns damage on impact
          • Has been redesigned
            • Damage of each barrel is increased by 200% of your Thorns

    The Patch Notes have been updated accordingly. Thanks for the catch!

  • Nevalistis

    Posted 8 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    /poke /u/Nevalistis

    Which one is the intended rune effect of Bombardment - Barrels of Spikes; "Damage of each barrel is increased by 200% of your Thorns" (in-game tooltip) or "Each barrel also deals 1500% of your Thorns damage on impact" (patch notes)?

    *Sends e-mail off *

    Please hold. Your call is important to us.
